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ckcrown84 11-15-2015 09:23 PM

Pretty nice bench session
The extra recovery and massages are paying off.
Got 460 for a clean double. If things keep going this nice I might beat my 480 best in December... Won't know until meet time. This was my last heavy bench workout until then.

Hit squats today too 515 for 2 doubles it was rough, I blame the weekend adventures. Gotta dial it in no more going out !
The second double was nasty, my knee was caving that usually doesn't happen


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ckcrown84 11-20-2015 01:25 PM

Oh you know
Making them gains :)

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ckcrown84 12-06-2015 02:59 PM

2015 meet recap


Not a bad day, with any meet there are always variables and things you can't account for. Gotta get under the bar and shut up.... Lift.

Kept my opener conservative with 515 which was good... Wasn't used to my wraps so had a weird pause/wobble in the hole. Not a big deal.

535 moved smooth as butter, bicep tendonitis flared up a tad here but I had plenty left in me.

560 for my third, thought it was gonna be a smoke show then like 80% of the way up I lost my balance and fell a little backwards. Spotters to the rescue!!

440 opener. Smoked it

465 took a conservative second because the end goal was to smash 480 matching my 220lbs competition best. Unfortunately I misgrooved my bench and failed

470 for a third. Wanted to end on a good note and 465 damn sure wasn't it. Smashed that bitch

Deadlift... Here was the problem lift. My goal was to simply pull whatever I needed to round out my Elite total. Unfortunately missing my third squat and botching my bench goal of 480 impacted me quite a bit when it came to what I needed to pull.
The deadlift speed and strength is definitely there unfortunately the hands are not.

440 opener smoked

470 needed to hold and failed twice and there went my day

Going to keep focusing on grip training over the next few months. My best grip was 470 for 3 seconds in training and unfortunately my deadlift is a bit longer than 3 seconds.... Just slides right out the hands. Very disappointing.

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andyebs 12-07-2015 08:11 AM

saw this on facebook yesterday
good lifts
you lifted the deadlifts easy i thought it was the right hand grip that kept slipping
all good none the less gives goals to work towards

vid now in thread

ckcrown84 12-18-2015 07:01 PM

Week 2 bench workout, the upcoming holidays are gonna throw off my routine a bit but am gonna try to get some core lifts in while I am away (leaving Monday).

Anyway today was some velocity training then percent training...

First warmup then 5 sets of 2 at .5meters per second so
285 5x2
Then 80% for 6x3 so 365
Then drop sets for reps and ended with some heavy dips... Then grip training.


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andyebs 12-21-2015 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by ckcrown84 (Post 43604)
Then drop sets for reps and ended with some heavy dips... Then grip training.


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they was some heavy dips damm

ckcrown84 01-14-2016 03:54 PM

Accomplishments don't come without struggles and if it came easy it's meaningless.

2015 was marked by nothing but obstacles and struggles and ended with my goal falling with the deadlift, wasn't able to dial it in after spending most the year out with two distal bicep tears.

2016 will I'm sure have its obstacles, but I am off to a hell of a start. My training partner pushes me in new ways, my programming is better and smarter, and my god I'm a lean short jacked awesome beefcake 🖕

Give my page a like and share and follow my journey to a respectable deadlift... And no torn muscles in 2016

If you aren't following me you probably should :)

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stillgoingstron 01-14-2016 04:10 PM

Looking good! All the best for this year.

ckcrown84 01-16-2016 02:11 AM

*long video*
Today was something special, energy and intensity was there.
Bench 375 + orange micro for 5 doubles
Floor press 3x5 225 + 160 to 200lbs chains (not sure, don't care)
Big swedes 150lbs DB press
Swedes 205lbs power curl
My personal emotional come back with a 135lbs curl for a double...amazing accomplishment given my bicep tears.

Happy to have a guest lifter today, made an hour drive to join us, shout outs to him

Amazing day, check the video for some highlights

Remember this is only 8 heavy working sets on the chest... As Wenning says: "it's not what you can do it's what you can recover from"
Biggest mistake I see beginners make in the gym is set after set, beyond the point of failure


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new-Jedi 01-16-2016 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by ckcrown84 (Post 44065)
*long video*
Today was something special, energy and intensity was there.
Bench 375 + orange micro for 5 doubles
Floor press 3x5 225 + 160 to 200lbs chains (not sure, don't care)
Big swedes 150lbs DB press
Swedes 205lbs power curl
My personal emotional come back with a 135lbs curl for a double...amazing accomplishment given my bicep tears.

Happy to have a guest lifter today, made an hour drive to join us, shout outs to him

Amazing day, check the video for some highlights

Remember this is only 8 heavy working sets on the chest... As Wenning says: "it's not what you can do it's what you can recover from"
Biggest mistake I see beginners make in the gym is set after set, beyond the point of failure


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You so you don't favor working past failure? Nothing like rest pause, or drops?

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