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Danger 02-20-2011 03:37 AM

Hey guys!
I placed a decent order w these guys and am really hoping for a positive experience! I will let you know how it goes. Everything checked out w the verification, so fingers crossed,LOL.

Handinpants 02-20-2011 08:55 AM

dont worry man you'll get it.
i was scared i wasnt gonna get my order because it didnt come in on the expected delivery date, but it was likely backed up due to the holidays.
got the final part of my order yesterday.
communication is also great.
three orders in and gbn has been successful everytime.
they got me hooked :)

Cornish_Celt 02-20-2011 09:48 AM

Don't worry bro, you will get your order!
GBN are excellent, I have made countless orders and all have been successful!

Huge Tom 02-21-2011 02:23 PM

Yeah bro, GBN IS GREAT ! :D

PM me if you have any questions. Just don't worry bro and be patient.

Nish 03-29-2011 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 2274)
bro you need to chill out lol ;)

If you have made your order already then dont worry you will get it ! 100% !

i dont know if thats true about 70% xray check but realisticly i doubt its that high , imagine having to xray 70% of ALL post comming into and out of the USA it would take forever , id say its more likely to be around 30% ....

GBN do not disclose shipping methods but customs shouldnt be a problem with these guys ;)

I can reassure you it's Definitely not 70%. I can say this because I have import many things for my business over the years. As of now everyone knows that the US budget is tight as can be. Last time I talk (Nov. 2010) with my custom broker he mention between 20-30% at the most because they are really short of manpower. If they had to check 70% of all imports then this country will not under. Hope this does clear things up a little bit.

Huge Tom 04-05-2011 05:08 PM

It sounds like you know things from inside. It was useful information.


I can reassure you it's Definitely not 70%. I can say this because I have import many things for my business over the years. As of now everyone knows that the US budget is tight as can be. Last time I talk (Nov. 2010) with my custom broker he mention between 20-30% at the most because they are really short of manpower. If they had to check 70% of all imports then this country will not under. Hope this does clear things up a little bit.

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