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maria 01-28-2011 02:04 PM

Help needed RE:Fat Burners
Hi, I am new to the site so dont shout at me if i have posted in wrong place hehe :)

I am looking to buy Epherdrine and cant find it anywere but i have come across Phenteramine.
Just wondering if anyone has ever bought from this site and also if they know were i can get Ephedrine from online,

Theres so many dodgy websites am really confused. Any help would be greatly appriciated :) Thanks, Maria

Cornish_Celt 01-28-2011 02:26 PM

Hi maria and welcome to the forum.
Phenteramine is not something I'd recommend, there are alot of bad side effects that go with it!
Before you start messing with diet pills, how is your diet?
If you don't mind me asking what is your weight, height?
Is it just stubborn fat that you want rid of or do you carry alot of fat.
Do you exercise at all?

maria 01-28-2011 03:27 PM

Hi sorry i didnt realise i shouldnt of put link

I am 5.1 not very tall and i weigh 11stone 154 pounds, I have a back problem so cant do much exercise other than walking but its something to suppress my appetite i am looking for, i have tried protein diet but i eat alot and have stubborn fat i am trying to get rid of, I do alot of walking/ speed walking to, My boyfriend used ephedrine once and had brilliant results but i cant seem to get any. Thanks for your reply

Cornish_Celt 01-28-2011 03:39 PM

Ephedrine is very good, it burns fat and suppresses the appetite, there are some good sites that sell it but I can't post them, for the same reason I had to delete the link!
Can you tell me where abouts you live, I mean which country?
I know we have a sponsor on here that does have them but it depends where you are.
I have used ephedrine myself so I know it's very good.

maria 01-28-2011 03:52 PM

:) I live in Liverpool United Kingdom, Could you message/email me a site?

Some i have found are asking for bank tranfers and western union with i am not comfortable doing.

Cornish_Celt 01-28-2011 04:01 PM

Unfortunately Western Union or paying directly in to the bank or even cash through the post are the normal ways, obviously these guys have to be careful. But as long as you have the right people/site then everythings fine.
I generally pay direct in to a bank account when I buy my stuff, No problems yet.
Obviously alot of these guys can't do visa or paypal because of what they sell!

maria 01-28-2011 04:04 PM

GBN takes paypal i just discovered this site at top! is this a safe? sorry if i sound really stupid but i am new so i am alowed to be stupid hahaha :p

Cornish_Celt 01-28-2011 04:07 PM

Don't worry, if you don't ask you won't find out! everyone asks the same questions, GBN is a great site, all the sponsors on here are excellent

Speedy 01-28-2011 04:31 PM

Great experience with GBN here too maria.

maria 01-28-2011 04:37 PM

Ive tried and paypal is telling me they cannot send payment :(

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