Gbnstore and Huge Tom are the best out there!
Hey guys, just wanted to give a shout out to Huge Tom a gbnstore. I've done several cycles all from him and they haven't let me down. This past winter I ordered some goodies and instead of getting a package in one day, I got a letter from us customs. Sucked! I talked to Tom and he worked with me and reshipped 10 vials with no problem to a new addy. I was very impressed at his willingness to help since I lost all of my gear. I love kalpa pharm and have had awesome results from them over the past few years. I've tried kalpa's test c, e, prop.., deca, sus, tren e, EQ, anastrozole, clomid, nolva, dbol, and winny. All great products! I will definitely be doing business with Tom, he's top notch!