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fbcoach 07-21-2010 06:18 PM

gbn review
hey guys new to the forum and this is my first review of an online supplier so I will do my best and take it easy on me. I just wanted to give an un-biased oppinion/review of this company for anyone thinking of doing business with them. I know how it feels to trust companies with your hard earned money.

I placed my order on june 30th, money was recieved within 24 hours and soon after my order was semi-shipped. So for the first part of my order it all was very quick and i recieved the first package 2 days before the expected delivery date. It took a while to get the second portion shipped. i recieved an email on monday saying it had been shipped. so i expect that in 1-2 weeks. I was getting very nervous on how long it was taking my second portion (the actual gear) to be shipped. But the customer service at GBN was top notch. The answered all my emails within a day of me sending mine and answered all my questions. They assured me that everything was on track and they were right. I expected there to be some delays and snags dealing with international ordering and i suggest anyone new to it to go in with the same attitude and be patient.

The only "complaint" if thats what you want to call it, is that i wanted to use alert pay and it said that i was unable to use that payment method at that time so i paid the ridiculous WU fees. Next time, and yes i said next time because i will be using again, I will get some info from HUGE TOM hopefully and get the alert pay thing down.

If anybody is still doubtful that this is a legit company then i suggest maybe trying a small order out first. then go larger when you feel more comfortable. As for my first experience i am satisfied and i will report back in when i recieve the rest of my order.

I hope this helps someone out. Thanks again GBN

unknown 07-22-2010 05:05 AM

It helps... Thanks... (I have nothing to do with them, just like to hear good thing to make me feel better about someone I plan on doing biz with)

Huge Tom 07-22-2010 11:21 AM

Regarding AP check your PM bro, and thank you for feedback ;)

fbcoach 08-09-2010 11:47 PM

just wanted to give an update like i said i would. last week on thursday i recieved the rest of my shipment. so the countdown begins and i will be starting in 2 weeks. anyways even tho it took a little longer than expected gbn def came through. the time delay was not a big deal to me because i planned far in advance in case there were delays. i am a satisfied customer, and as long as the gear does its job. i will be a returning customer. thanks gbn.

jake.oz 08-10-2010 01:18 AM

thats good to hear bro , keep us posted when you start also what brand and compound did you choose ?

fbcoach 08-11-2010 02:43 AM

sciroxx-test-e,geneza-clomid, nolva, a-dex

planned cycle is :

2-4 mdrol 20mgs
1-12 test-e 500mgs
adex .5 mgs eod if needed

nolva, clomid

pretty basic setup.was going to get some dbol but i had the mdrol and heard it was good for a kickstart. chose sciroxx bc of all the great reviews they were getting for their injectables but geneza seems to be the oral/ancillary choice of most. i will def post back and let people know how its going from time to time. sorry if anyone wants info quickly im just trying to be patient and wait til timing works out best for eveything.

Huge Tom 08-11-2010 06:29 AM

In bodybuilding faster is not always better :) Good luck bro!

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