Artemis |
03-22-2021 02:07 AM |
Dragon Pharma Review
Ok. So last year I ran a cycle of Dragon Tren E with Dragon t400. Right off the bat my libido shot up. Strength amplified considerably within. Few weeks. This was during the shutdown. My only form of exercise equipment I had on deck was a 100lb weighted vest. By the end of the lock down I was maxing out the vest with all my workouts. Then I was having the kids climb on my back as well. Totalling close to 200lbs on my back. The cycle ended before I could max out with all the kids as I wore the vest but I know for sure I'll get there on my next cycle. Dragon did not disappoint and with this next cycle I'm going to give the Kalpa tren a with test cyp a review. Thank you yet again GBN. Yall are the real MPV!