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UBAD2 12-26-2015 02:22 PM

Dosing at time of injection ....
Hi guys,
I know dosage of gear is somewhat subjective as every individual is different and our bodies do not react the same. Has anyone every posted the dosing range for both Test and also for Tren ? Dosing and frequency of injection.
Thanks guys!
Happy Holiday to all of you.
Cheers ...

stillgoingstron 12-26-2015 04:15 PM

Would love to try and help but don't really understand what you mean?

Dosing for test can be anything from trt dose up to however stupid you want to be. Similar story with tren. So I'm sure that's not what you mean?

Frequency depends on the ester.

Can you elaborate a bit? :)

UBAD2 12-26-2015 05:01 PM

Okay ...
Yes, I understand your reply. No... Not for TRT purpose but rather body building getting big/ bulking up goal. But... Doing it within a safe limit. Not doing 1000 mg of Test. This approach is insane to me. Doing gear is a steady marathon not a quick sprint. So how much is considered safe responsible doage. Thank you.

stillgoingstron 12-26-2015 06:43 PM

It seems that up to 600mg EW of test for 10 weeks or so is considered unlikely to have particularly adverse effects ie long term damage to lipids, or your heart or liver health etc. Gyno or acne etc is not considered a long term health risk and is easily managed anyway.

That's probably why 500mg test EW is a recommended starter dose. Bearing in mind that food intake, training intensity and rest are all important there's probably no need to go much higher than that until you absolutely need to.

If you add tren, then the need for test is less, unless you are experienced and have the need to increase the risk to reward ratio. Also, tren sides are lessened with less test. That's how I run test and tren anyway.

Tren is obviously a harsher drug than test but gives a harder less bloated result. It's a trade off. More sides, more chances of long term bad effects but probably better results.

Armstrong 12-26-2015 06:59 PM

there isnt really a dosing range, like you said everyone is different, I guess for test would about 500mgs a week to as high as you wanna go, for tren most start at 75mgs EOD up to 300mgs EOD, you gotta see what works best for you, I would start at the lowest dose and see how it goes

UBAD2 12-26-2015 07:20 PM

Okay ... Verified what I suspected
For Test I thought approx 500 mg a week and Tren about 350 mg range. I wasn't off in my thinking. Thank you for your feedback guys.

new-Jedi 12-26-2015 07:47 PM

500 test & 350 of tren is more aggressive than I need to go.

UBAD2 12-26-2015 08:07 PM

Another important factor in deciding dosage
Correct me if I am wrong on this, but I believe ones age is a big factor when dosing. I am in my early 40's age. So natural testosterone level is less than a man in his thirties . Is this a valid point when deciding dosage?

stillgoingstron 12-26-2015 08:50 PM

I wouldn't start off at 500mg test 'and' 350mg tren! That's a starting dose for each. If you start off at 350mg tren, then start off with a lose dose of test just to prevent being in a state of low or no test. Once you know how you react to the tren you can up the dose of the tren 'or' the test. That's if you want to play it as safe as you can.

stillgoingstron 12-26-2015 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by UBAD2 (Post 43697)
Correct me if I am wrong on this, but I believe ones age is a big factor when dosing. I am in my early 40's age. So natural testosterone level is less than a man in his thirties . Is this a valid point when deciding dosage?

I understand where you're coming from with this but I don't see that it makes much of a difference. If you're adding 500mg + of test then you're exceeding anyone's natural limit. Its only when you're considering trt that it might make a difference.

The only other concern is running exogenous test too high or too long and disrupting or halting your natural production. Obviously if you're older, then it might not matter any more whether you need trt for ever.

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