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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2014, 02:47 AM
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Default Bulking Diet Macros

Okay so I'm new to the macro dieting and I need some of you experienced veterans to critique me alittle. First off I'm 20 years old about 175 pounds 5'10 and about 8% body fat. The amount of macros I figured per day is:
312g Protein
312g Carbs
72g fat

It seems like a lot of food but I do have a very fast metabolism if you can't tell from my stats lol. Let me know what yall think.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2014, 11:23 AM
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Your macros look good to me.

There is no absolute right or wrong way, because we are all different. You will almost certainly be able to eat more carbs than me without putting on fat.

It might be that you need to eat more carbs to maintain or add muscle. I'd say you have your protein intake covered, so it's unlikely that eating more protein will have any real benefit.

If you don't already do it make sure you eat plenty of those carbs and protein post workout. If not, and if you decide to add more carbs then post workout is the best time for most.

You don't say what your ambitions are, as in muscle building or just keeping fit and healthy. If you intend adding loads of muscle you will probably have to eat more food full stop. 8% body fat is very low and I might be wrong, but at your weight I'm guessing you're not built like Arnie or Phil Heath.

It's trial and error mate, everything always is, but you have a good starting point there.

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