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dfwtp 03-01-2015 10:04 PM

arm is back to 100%
some high volume coming its way

dfwtp 03-03-2015 01:40 PM

dfwtp 03-16-2015 08:34 PM

package ordered from gbn
looking forward to getting started for 2015 with all the support

training as hard as I hate this year

dfwtp 03-17-2015 05:17 PM

1 Attachment(s)

dfwtp 03-22-2015 10:59 PM

Pains me to say,

I just placed an order for supplements and shortly afterwards experienced an accident that will keep me away from the gym for a bit

It is very depressing and I am not sure the timetable
I do know, that when I am ready, i will have what I need for the support I need.

I am ready to go , but now have to wait and be patient as hard as it is going to be

dfwtp 04-01-2015 12:38 PM

bandages removed mon.

going to see how things progress

feeling ok for now

toon22 04-01-2015 11:02 PM

sorry to hear that man
What happen if you don't mind me asking

dfwtp 04-02-2015 01:48 PM

dumb accident

toon22 04-03-2015 04:11 AM

mine want very cool either. . lol
Throwing sand bags from a temporary levy

dfwtp 04-21-2015 08:49 PM

fully agitated

gonna be a good summer
some people will be left behind for good

dfwtp 05-04-2015 08:41 PM

2 pairs ripped jeans last 7 days

getting fatter?
getting bigger?

dont care?

either way :D

dfwtp 05-11-2015 11:19 PM

no ripped jeans, but another solid week in the books
things got brought up a level
strength has never been higher in all my time training

feedback is good from people who see me regularly, even though I dont really listen to much of it

dfwtp 05-14-2015 10:44 PM

training is going phenomenal
new ground broke with 150# db for most reps ever
using whole stack on every pin loaded machine I use
created a bolt to go through the stack so i can hang a plate off and add to the stack
designed an attachment for hammer strength machines to add more plates because the bar is too short now

feeling good

dfwtp 05-15-2015 02:31 PM

taking next 2 days off
havent taken 2 days off in a row since oct

$$$ show this weekend, just no chance to hit the gym with travel and work with so many 2mrw

time to kick everyone's behinds, just like every other show we do
we diet and train to win
we dont fear getting small, we dont get on stage smooth
we get on stage ready


I believe this 2 days will be good for me to recover as workouts have been so ridiculously good

HugeTom has me rolling 100 mph

dfwtp 05-21-2015 12:44 PM


dfwtp 05-30-2015 11:06 PM

had to share:::

You want to be successful bodybuilding? Whether you're bikini, figure, WPD, fitness, bodybuilding, or MP one of the most common downfalls athletes have is the ability to be honest with themselves. I see everyone posting transformation pics from the beginning of prep to the end and of course getting rave reviews on the changes they have made but frankly that is not bodybuilding, that's dieting. Rather than ask yourself are you better at the end of the prep than the beginning ask yourself if this physique is NOTICEABLY improved from the last showing. I know a lot of you are thinking "Obviously I ask myself that" but do you ever ask yourself if this off season look was improved over last years off season? That is a question VERY few ask and should for many reasons.

Have you ever taken a step back and looked at how you got into shape? How about have you ever looked at how your body changed following a show or how hard or easy of a time you had adhering to a plan after a show is done? I don't believe that metabolic damage is as easy to cause as a lot would like to let on but it is a problem. An even bigger issue is the poor relationship that so many people have with food once they have finished a prep or two with their local guru who only knows enough to starve and overexert their clients into shape. Because of this under eat and over work mentality your "guru" will look like an All Star because when you started you were in less impressive condition than when your time ended but in reality they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground because with every passing show you find it harder and harder to not eat everything in site following a show. You see yourself getting further and further away from looking like the athlete you claim to be in the off season. It gets harder and harder to flip the switch to get in shape for your next show because your relationship with food is no longer a healthy one and because finally your metabolism is shit you find yourself having to eat less and less while doing more and more cardio. Some call this hardcore but those in the know call it stupid.

If you are bodybuilding correctly you will have to go into a caloric deficit to get into true stage shape but it should be done in a way that once the dust has settled and the show is over transitioning into a healthy and fruitful offseason should be easy. You should be able to indulge here and there as planned in your offseason without eating like you may never see food again and without becoming someone who resembles more the average member of society than a competitive physique athlete.

So the next time you want to know if you are truly getting better in this sport don't just look at before and afters or even stage pics from one show to the next. Be brave, and look at your dead nuts offseason look from one show to the next. Look at your relationship with food all year round. If you find your diet looking more and more like an eating disorder in the off season then trust me you need more qualified help because this sport is ruining your body and your life.

dfwtp 06-12-2015 03:52 PM

48/48 meals

dfwtp 06-15-2015 09:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)

dfwtp 06-17-2015 12:32 AM

12 saturdays :eek:

dfwtp 06-18-2015 04:53 PM

june 1 year ago

dfwtp 06-18-2015 04:54 PM

1 Attachment(s)


dfwtp 06-22-2015 06:02 PM

dont know why sideways
hate when that sh&^%$t happens

dfwtp 06-24-2015 01:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)

dfwtp 06-26-2015 06:17 PM

1 Attachment(s)

dfwtp 06-30-2015 11:41 AM

thankfully weight is stable at 220
should be close to this when all said and done

how it works for me:

benefit from offseason diligence (fingers crossed)

dfwtp 06-30-2015 09:20 PM

embrace the tired
embrace the hunger
embrace the pain

lets see how much suffering we can do.
no fear of smallness
who cares , lean always beats big and full. ALWAYS

dfwtp 07-06-2015 09:08 PM

back locked up squatting
rep 2 w/505#
felt good, just took me out
rolled it out immediately
hopefully nothing serious and will resolve quickly

dfwtp 07-08-2015 12:40 PM

3 shows in 3 days

who does that?

dfwtp 07-13-2015 12:37 PM

fingers crossed this week for the back

dfwtp 07-15-2015 10:45 PM

took off a day yesterday. first day off scheduled lifting in prob a year

went light today very high rep, very high volume

very tight still

deosnt seem to be going away, may have to just deal with it until fall

btw cardio sux

dfwtp 07-21-2015 11:31 AM

4+ hours cardio per week

tighter then ever been, still time to go
will be best ever
on stage

back is shit$%^&$ty but I have no other choice

andyebs 07-22-2015 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 40587)
3 shows in 3 days

who does that?

seems madness but hey might aswell

how long till our shows and are they all over one weekend

good luck with them

dfwtp 07-22-2015 01:08 PM

shows are coming soon

they are a saturday 1
following 2 thur, 3 fri
and then again 4 sat

have to be on my game to hold condition, but the investment will hopefully pay off

andyebs 07-22-2015 02:27 PM

good luck mate
look forward to seeing how you do

dfwtp 07-30-2015 02:58 PM

last week has been pure suffering. had to remove cardio as I do not have the energy
into new territory for my body.
not reacting well
many bad days, very few good days, not even very many good moments
workouts are brutal to get through
no power no strength
no endurance
not done yet
still have more details to carve

andyebs 07-31-2015 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 41174)
last week has been pure suffering. had to remove cardio as I do not have the energy
into new territory for my body.
not reacting well
many bad days, very few good days, not even very many good moments
workouts are brutal to get through
no power no strength
no endurance
not done yet
still have more details to carve

how come suffering so much
whats diet and training like
any info great
my main aim is to compete when ready and would love details of diet and training and how you feel at curtian pionts and few days or day before show
ive never really dropped below 8%ish

dfwtp 07-31-2015 10:51 AM

food is low
energy expenditure trying to say the same

as the body gets leaner, things hurt. joints, ligaments tendons muscles etc

sleep patterns are non existent
supplements are drying you out, possibly making you irritable, def making you feel like shit at times. (clen is good at this esp)

caffiene doesnt work anymore

and without the end in sight, it is difficult

people who dont suffer: never win shows.
if the diet is easy, adding more food towards the end, backing off cardio, training lighter, etc
all those things lead to softer, fatter body, less lines, less details, and lowplacings

have to suffer, there is no other way (i guess at this point this is actually for me rather then responding to you)

dfwtp 08-03-2015 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 41185)
how come suffering so much
whats diet and training like
any info great
my main aim is to compete when ready and would love details of diet and training and how you feel at curtian pionts and few days or day before show
ive never really dropped below 8%ish

few days before the show actually are not tha bad because you dont do as much
the hard work and hard dieting is done by that point
beginning is good, you start seeing changes and feel good, food is good energy etc
then later goes south when you have low strength days low energy etc

when you get lower in bodyfat you start to feel worse and worse.
this is when people cheat, think they eat more food because "their metabolism got faster", stop cardio, think they are flat, fear loosing muscle, use crazy powders and pills before during after before bed upon waking etc etc
when you feel like shit, you keep going, and thats what makes you tight onstage, and that is how winning is done
its just not for everybody

lots of people win mr walmart or mr comp science 101 class, but on stage is a diffent world, and the larger the stage , the more different the animal

stillgoingstron 08-03-2015 06:27 PM

Good honest appraisal. Brings it home just how hard it really is!

andyebs 08-04-2015 08:00 AM

cheers for info
good luck with shows
what are dates and look forward to pics


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 41245)
few days before the show actually are not tha bad because you dont do as much
the hard work and hard dieting is done by that point
beginning is good, you start seeing changes and feel good, food is good energy etc
then later goes south when you have low strength days low energy etc

when you get lower in bodyfat you start to feel worse and worse.
this is when people cheat, think they eat more food because "their metabolism got faster", stop cardio, think they are flat, fear loosing muscle, use crazy powders and pills before during after before bed upon waking etc etc
when you feel like shit, you keep going, and thats what makes you tight onstage, and that is how winning is done
its just not for everybody

lots of people win mr walmart or mr comp science 101 class, but on stage is a diffent world, and the larger the stage , the more different the animal

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