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45cmbiceps 02-17-2020 08:25 AM

Thank you, you have one of the most detailed and longest log.


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 53799)
so i hadnt been feeling the best with the new supps
i think i have been getting a little test flu at first
strong stuff

it seems to have passed, and things have normalized

the first couple days, were rough, but it didnt make me change anything. food was right, training was same, intense, no missed days, no bs, no heart, quitting shit that a little speedbump causes

who know, it may have not been the new u4, but either way, last few days, all same supps pre workout, lifts were good. looking forward to more
test flu or not, still getting it

dfwtp 02-24-2020 01:27 PM

so the strange feeling has definitely passed
who knows what it was, but the u4 is very nice
happy with the feel in the gym, the look for the offseason, that is is helping with

the last 2 weeks, the food intake was a bit higher, as life obstacles got complicated, and some extra calories and "comfort" foods if you will, were desired and consumed
not ideal,and def not normal, but i have been able to sort of get away with it, as the training and supplement base is providing support for the calorie influx

dfwtp 04-08-2020 02:23 PM

all healed from car accident
training is phenomenal right now
quarantine doesnt change anything for me except professionally speaking
personal life - same
trianing same
diet same
hoepfully will be a good year to compete - lower numbers higher placings, no shame in that for me

45cmbiceps 04-10-2020 06:09 PM

So sorry for your car accident, what happened if that is not a secret?

I wish you fast recovery.

You are one of the warriors who does not give up.

Thank you for motivation.


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 54043)
all healed from car accident
training is phenomenal right now
quarantine doesnt change anything for me except professionally speaking
personal life - same
trianing same
diet same
hoepfully will be a good year to compete - lower numbers higher placings, no shame in that for me

dfwtp 04-13-2020 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by 45cmbiceps (Post 54065)
So sorry for your car accident, what happened if that is not a secret?

I wish you fast recovery.

You are one of the warriors who does not give up.

Thank you for motivation.

no secret, lousy-- but no secret
I was hit from the back, suv from behind, unfortunately the person was texting and didnt pay attention that traffic had stopped
plenty of damage, had to say goodbye to my car
face head hit wheel, some whiplash, shoulder damaged from the belt, and arm,hand, wrist was pinned against the wheel upon impact.

back, ok now; for the most part. set back for sure, but so is corona. will just keep at it. stubborn, crazy, stupid, who knows :)
but gotta have my gym time. Even tough it has been deemed otherwise, it is def essential for me

Huge Tom 05-08-2020 04:23 PM

Sorry to hear that man, I wish you fast recovery and I think a good lesson for us to look always in the back mirror!


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 54085)
no secret, lousy-- but no secret
I was hit from the back, suv from behind, unfortunately the person was texting and didnt pay attention that traffic had stopped
plenty of damage, had to say goodbye to my car
face head hit wheel, some whiplash, shoulder damaged from the belt, and arm,hand, wrist was pinned against the wheel upon impact.

back, ok now; for the most part. set back for sure, but so is corona. will just keep at it. stubborn, crazy, stupid, who knows :)
but gotta have my gym time. Even tough it has been deemed otherwise, it is def essential for me

dfwtp 05-13-2020 02:36 PM

good to go HUGETOM
all settled up
hitting the gym hard. quarantined yes, but I got my own spot, so no changes to personal life
contest prep in full swing last 2 weeks
onward we march to the ifbb stage again
kalpa cut mix ftw once again

talk to you soon big man

dfwtp 06-07-2020 11:14 AM

100 100 100
tren mast prop from kalpa

always the way to go

dfwtp 07-01-2020 04:57 PM

needed to start some nolva
felt a bit different, estrogen was high, glands didnt feel same
i guess just my year to react different this time around
no worries, eod or e3d and should be fine all ias kicking ]
10 weeks to go

dfwtp 07-02-2020 04:15 PM

went to a gym monday
was doing rack pulls and the guy who works there that follows me AROUND due to jealousy and the fact he wants a date, others said it, not me, starts saying im racking the weights to loud

not the first time this guy has gotten in my face and the owners have had one on one talks with me and him telling him to leave me alone and not bother me
its always been a bandaid because he is one jealous peice of work and hates himself and is a racist bigot who hates anyone who wasnt in the airforce, unless you were black, then no chance. he always returns to his asshole behavior

was using 4 plates at the time
went to 5 and slammed them harder, and let loose some noise when i racked it


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