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dfwtp 02-05-2013 01:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
just about ready to really turn it up

dfwtp 02-05-2013 01:14 PM

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another 1
phone is an older one, so pic quality is bad, but if I can get in shape and see it on this phone then i.ll be in shape:)

James42 02-05-2013 01:36 PM

Damn your lats are huge.
What lifts would you say have contributed the most to that?

dfwtp 02-05-2013 02:07 PM

all the usual suspects pullups, rows, deads
i will say, stretching and hanging have seemed to have helped quite a bit recently. I feel a little bit more roundness since I have been doing this. It is painful, and sometimes it causes me problems a couple days later with spasms, but when its going good, its good

Huge Tom 02-25-2013 03:42 PM

your dedication inspire others. good job!


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 27837)
just about ready to really turn it up

dfwtp 03-05-2013 12:47 PM

weight staying between 208-218 depending on time and carbs per day.
seem to be right on schedule, myb a head just a little
gbn stuff on the way

admin 03-05-2013 12:53 PM

sounds like the most interesting things are to come.


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 28501)
weight staying between 208-218 depending on time and carbs per day.
seem to be right on schedule, myb a head just a little
gbn stuff on the way

dfwtp 03-14-2013 01:02 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I seriously hope so. I am looking forward to the next 8 weeks for #1 and then 20 weeks for the big boy

ncspacy 03-14-2013 02:20 PM

Nice Work:D

dfwtp 03-15-2013 02:28 PM

dfwtp 03-20-2013 08:55 PM

will be continuing this log, but I am starting a new one per the request of hugetom documenting some products I ordered
pics and training to come with it as I make my way to the stage this year

dfwtp 05-11-2013 11:30 AM

James42 05-11-2013 11:47 AM

^^^hell yea bro. Vascular as fuck.

dfwtp 07-24-2013 02:13 AM

1 Attachment(s)
HugeTom stuck by me for this last year and made all my gains possible. I won an NPC show for the first time,competed on a national stage and really had a productive year.
I could not have made it this far without the product and service GBNstore provides. I hope to be able to represent them and their products as I continue my journey. I plan on moving slowly into an offseason that allows me to assault the competition over the next 2 years while knocking down doors that were previously closed to me.
Thank you again GBNstore

dfwtp 09-09-2013 09:27 PM

offseason is really kicking. pr the last 2 weeks.
gbn sust is kciking my ass, and kicking the weights ass week to week

dfwtp 09-11-2013 01:42 PM

pr yesterday as well
keep em coming

weight @ 233#

bring the cake

dfwtp 09-13-2013 12:18 AM

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current pics

ckcrown84 09-19-2013 12:19 PM

I love your log man
Just wanted to chime in, I usually stick to my own business but very nice.

dfwtp 09-24-2013 09:32 PM

appreciate it CK

dfwtp 09-24-2013 09:34 PM

weight has stabilized 230.everyday 230
time to start adding gradually to bring it up.
set point is obviously @ 230, so need to readjust it.
eat good some days, bad others, weight stays right there.
so, in order to accumulate more muscle, a little more of this and that if you will

Hugetom, we will be in touch soon brother
I need to get bigger now

dfwtp 10-02-2013 03:19 PM

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stuck @ 230. stuck stuck stuck

ate a ton, 230, missed a couple meals 230.

set point is strong. best 230 I have ever been, but hungry for more

6 months to go before diet resumes. the grind continues

pic is a couple weeks ago

dfwtp 10-02-2013 03:20 PM

guess i need a another pic

dfwtp 10-02-2013 03:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)
another. 2 days ago

GunnyGunnderson 10-05-2013 04:17 PM

looking huge bro. what was your weight for the contest you won?

dfwtp 10-06-2013 02:03 PM

198#. just made it under the limit

dfwtp 10-10-2013 01:27 PM

this last week stepped my supplent game up, and stepped my game up at the table. more food, more protein.

waiting for the magic

dfwtp 10-19-2013 06:40 PM

weight not moving. feeling rounder though. might be me, no comments or feedback, but looks like a fuller look starting to happen last 10 days.
no doubt, GBN has the best stuff

Huge Tom 10-21-2013 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 31826)
another. 2 days ago

dfwtp 10-29-2013 07:32 PM

scale bout that.couple of others spoke of increased size as well. weight just a small bump, but again the roundness is coming.
my belief is at the same weight as last year, I am carrying it much better

as the spouse said it looks better on you then it did before

cannot argue with that, since no one knows how to put you in your place better then the wife

dfwtp 11-07-2013 11:08 PM

going to increase training frequency with emphasis on training one bodypart 2x per week rotating between them each week.

4 xtra workouts per month and an xtra session for each part in that month.

going to try and take advantage of the products and supplements and ramp up the gains

dfwtp 11-08-2013 11:25 AM

also danbling withsome old genshi from gbn. awesome, just like the kalpa

testo c500 x2 please. many smiles

dfwtp 11-08-2013 07:41 PM

holy shit volume and frequency kickin my ass. grind is getting very hard.

tunnel vision set in right now, for 2014

pressure bursts pipes, or makes diamonds

dfwtp 11-09-2013 11:27 PM

no video, but 605 x 5 on squats (safety squat bar)
havent sniffed this weight for a while

dfwtp 11-13-2013 04:24 PM

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off season chubs

45cmbiceps 11-14-2013 03:30 AM

One of the best logs I've seen!!! I will come back to read more.

dfwtp 11-14-2013 04:10 PM

apprecite it 45

dfwtp 11-21-2013 05:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
off season still going well

dfwtp 12-02-2013 02:18 PM

taking it down next couple weeks. no supps.

going to try and keep the strength gains going until I hit that wall that is coming before start of the year push

armed and ready for 2104

ckcrown84 12-02-2013 07:48 PM

Keep grinding, again very nice log

championwarrior 12-02-2013 09:53 PM

Damn just read through the log good work! So you plan on taking a 4 week break off everything , then coming back on perhaps in Jan?

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