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dfwtp 08-07-2017 11:31 PM

am before fasted cardio
before training

erich1b 08-08-2017 02:23 PM

Thanks again for the reply. I'm going to be starting a HGH cycle along with my AAS, and just reading around to get some info before starting. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

andyebs 08-09-2017 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by erich1b (Post 50918)
Thanks again for the reply. I'm going to be starting a HGH cycle along with my AAS, and just reading around to get some info before starting. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

are you getting GH from GBN

dfwtp 08-09-2017 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 50919)
are you getting GH from GBN

I dont get products from anywhere except from gbn

erich1b 08-09-2017 02:23 PM

Considering a USA domestic source. I'm far from an expert on HGH, but from my understanding it can lose bioavailability with excess heat. While I order my AAS from GBN, I don't know what effect 3 to 6 weeks of shipping in hot packaging would have? Perhaps none? Domestic order would arrive much quicker? Hard to tell what's best?

Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 50919)
are you getting GH from GBN

dfwtp 08-09-2017 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by erich1b (Post 50923)
Considering a USA domestic source. I'm far from an expert on HGH, but from my understanding it can lose bioavailability with excess heat. While I order my AAS from GBN, I don't know what effect 3 to 6 weeks of shipping in hot packaging would have? Perhaps none? Domestic order would arrive much quicker? Hard to tell what's best?

you're fine either way

gh isnt stored in refrigerated facilities contrary to that ridiculous belief, that there are huge warehouses of gh kept at a cool temperature

get real gh and this isnt an issue
fake =and you will hear all kinds of reasons that it doesnt work

erich1b 08-09-2017 03:51 PM

Agreed, and your point is well taken.

Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 50924)
you're fine either way

gh isnt stored in refrigerated facilities contrary to that ridiculous belief, that there are huge warehouses of gh kept at a cool temperature

get real gh and this isnt an issue
fake =and you will hear all kinds of reasons that it doesnt work

andyebs 08-10-2017 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 50921)
I dont get products from anywhere except from gbn

yeah know that
was asking erich1b

as ive never done GH but wouldn't mind trying
and here that kalpa stuff is the nuts

as always didn't really do Gh due to fact its faked a lot and if non pharma don't tend to have good reputation and didn't want to spend loads money on something that wasn't worth it

but if was kalpa think may give try

be good if erich1b did get kalpa then would get another view on it

dfwtp 08-12-2017 04:25 PM

Ive tried others (GH) for years
always junk
this is the first ive had I like
i have been here a while
never had gh from tom/gbn
now got it, very happy

dfwtp 08-29-2017 02:21 PM

show time..

erich1b 08-29-2017 02:59 PM

Good luck with your show.

Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 51008)
show time..

dfwtp 09-05-2017 09:06 PM

top 5 finish. not exactly as planned, but was at my best

could not accomplish with out support from gbn, there is no doubt about that

andyebs 09-11-2017 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 51021)
top 5 finish. not exactly as planned, but was at my best

could not accomplish with out support from gbn, there is no doubt about that

cant win them all
as long as come in your best that's all can ask

any pics

and good luck for next time

dfwtp 10-10-2017 11:41 AM

3 more weeks.
no screw us now

time to focus in and stay the course


Huge Tom 10-11-2017 06:38 AM

Man you are so many years with us and you are still growing and getting better and better.
Thank you for being motivation for most of us.

dfwtp 10-11-2017 12:20 PM

its been amazing
have enjoyed being here
still fire to keep going
and as always appreciate you and gbn making it possible. without the raw materials necessary, the structure could not be built, and improved upon

dfwtp 12-01-2017 06:25 PM

hell yea
time to get my offseason moving with gbn

EQ and Test E mix from Dragon Pharma
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Substance: Boldenone Undecylenate 200 , Testosterone Enanthate 200
Package: 10 mL vial (400 mg/mL)

this product is going to the go to, or maybe just combine bottles and make my own

thanks tom

dfwtp 12-18-2017 03:45 PM

anotheryear alost down
GBN still here
proud to still be here myself
no injuries, no obstacles

another year of competing and movng forward
thanks TOM

admin 12-18-2017 05:41 PM

I see Balkan is back as well, we welcome anyone to come and keep his cycle log here on forum.

dfwtp 02-21-2018 04:06 PM

diet and prep will begin in 1 week

hugetom gbn once again products being
really likes the combo of test and eq they started carrying from Dragon

here we go again

dfwtp 04-05-2018 02:09 PM

5 weeks down
weight steady
products are on point, results are coming, tighter each week


dfwtp 04-09-2018 04:29 PM

the test eq combo has been solid
the eq, although it doesnt do great things for libido, and well being, it does bring some hardness and vascualarity
I dont normally enjoy the overly veiny look, as to me it screams over hormoned, but it has been subtle, as I am only 5 weeks into dieting without any cardio

45cmbiceps 04-10-2018 02:39 PM

Thank you so much for such an useful log!

How many weeks you plan to be on EQ?

How many cycles you do per year and do you always do bloodwork before starting next cycle?

Thank you for your answers beforhand.


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 51504)
the test eq combo has been solid
the eq, although it doesnt do great things for libido, and well being, it does bring some hardness and vascualarity
I dont normally enjoy the overly veiny look, as to me it screams over hormoned, but it has been subtle, as I am only 5 weeks into dieting without any cardio

dfwtp 04-10-2018 06:23 PM

I dont do "cycles". just flow up and down and rotate compounds

I have not done bloodwork in many years

dfwtp 05-08-2018 01:10 PM

stage getting closer, switching out to kalpa products
tren mast WV and prop, also have some halo for the end

45cmbiceps 05-09-2018 09:31 AM

one of the greatest logs here.

Huge Tom 05-22-2018 07:01 AM

he is the man!

dfwtp 06-13-2018 01:02 PM

kalpa products from gbn always make a big difference for me
mentally as well, knowing what i have is quality

the halo has been a welcome addition for sure, and the switch makes me feel like Im getting exactly what I am expecting

musclesprod 07-09-2018 08:47 AM

You are on a long and amazing bodybuilding journey. Interesting log. Thank you.

dfwtp 07-09-2018 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by musclesprod (Post 51737)
You are on a long and amazing bodybuilding journey. Interesting log. Thank you.

long yes. amazing, well sometimes. lots of ups and downs, and honestly more downs, but I am wired to be persistent, and have situation I have created that allows me to continue this journey without as many obstacles that could be in the way
A huge portion of this is obviously GBN. They have stuck by me, and I would not want to do them wrong by not keeping up my end of the bargain.

They have allowed me to have one less obstacle to deal with. Knowing that the supplies they have are good quality, and the service and treatment I get form them is never a concern, it has removed something that I know for some is thier biggest problem.
for me, I dont even think about it
Hugetom gets big respect for doing things properly

dfwtp 08-07-2018 01:40 AM

a few injuries have been huge obstacles in the last months
bones and muscles not functioning as I wish they would
never good thing when the muscle sounds like velcro in the middle of rep number 2
slight bleeding, but hopefully on the mend
not sure how it will effect everything long term, but the mental right now is not the best, as one could imagine

been thinking of dipping into the peptide section and seeing about some healing products to facilitate the rehab

dfwtp 08-15-2018 10:34 PM

so was able to do a rehab type chest workout today
db up to 35's
machine had a 45 on, stopped after a few sets as it started to fatigue
went very slow and cannot say the ROM was as deep as it could have been but I was cautious

mentally very challenging but i need to listen to myself, my body and also everyone else that keeps telling me to go slow and not rush

dfwtp 09-06-2018 12:43 PM

hugetom and gbn started carrying halo and superdrol

just ordered some and cannot wait to get a hold of it

admin 09-13-2018 10:18 AM

I've been following your log since you are here on hypermuscles and I must say that you are one of those persistent and focused guys.

dfwtp 09-13-2018 04:08 PM

appreciate this very much
the weights always have a way of speaking to me and they are always consistent
can always tell who you are, what youre about, and how much you have each day
45 pounds is always 45 pounds

dfwtp 09-17-2018 02:21 PM

got some cytomell from kalpa
after a couple of ays can already tell its working
seriously never gone wrong with the kalpa at gbn

Huge Tom 09-20-2018 12:21 PM

Thank you very much bro for good words about GBN. It is a pleasure to deal with such a professional like you.

Good luck in your journey.

dfwtp 09-28-2018 12:48 PM

go the sdrol
here we go
blue money

dfwtp 10-19-2018 05:32 PM

sdrol and hdrol from tom are awesome
hardening by the day

cant wait to compete again

short time

lots of cardio

feel like total shit

looking my best

dfwtp 10-29-2018 04:20 PM

so finally placing in an ifbb show has happened. not placing because of low numbers, no one showed, but full lineup, callouts, full blown show, and I finally did it, finally placed in one of these damn things

gbn has been overwhelmingly right for me for many years. they built this whole body. I supplied the heart, but they provided all the gas the engine ever needed to finally get there.. proud and excited to keep gong, and to improve. More miles left on this frame, but there is fire to improve, just s much as ever

thank you gbn, I dont know how else to say it. I hope my success shows at least of bit of the appreciation and gratitude. I couldnt have done this without your support

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