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James42 10-04-2012 12:35 AM

How many years of training did it take for you to build your physique. Your legs are insane

Huge Tom 10-04-2012 10:43 AM

it seems you like squats bro, isn't it?


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 23757)
off season in full swing

dfwtp 10-04-2012 01:35 PM

been hitting the stage for 10 years now. i toiled around in MM, inbf, onbf, nanbf etc. organizations like that for most of that time. I started recently npc.
I always trained legs form the beginning due to wanting to achieve greatness in collegiate athletics
it helped when I started to pretend to be a bodybuilder:p

I do squat sometimes ..yes:D

Barman 10-04-2012 06:12 PM

lol good stuff mate :) ohh bro do you think ud go and try to get a pro card? (if u havent alredy) lol

dfwtp 10-04-2012 11:02 PM

i dont think i am at that level. i am trying my best to get better, but those guys are really so good, it is hard to imagine

brian 10-07-2012 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 19206)
sorry for your past experiences. I can only say from mine that I have never received anything that wasn't A+.
gbn is trustworthy supplier and has appropriate pricing for real supplements. When the pricing goes down too low, you can believe something is up. It is hard to make it for some of the pricing you see out there.

everything i order is a1. ecept the first batch of dragan with no lot numbers. me and my bros crashed on it. of course i had personal amps for myself. was that first round of dragon a1 to u? if u responded off it ur receptord lied to u because we had it tested at UGA. my cuz is a profeser there and went there. Had it labed and did 'nt even have the ester oe test. but HUGE TOM replased everything with my chioce and even gave mw more. Just a bad batch. it happens. i know after that, the price went up. Even with kalpa. they are , i think, the best new gear out. There first round of gear had bad pip to it to my bros. really bad in quad. but gbn cant help that. all the companies had it. i still have some left cause bros here act like girls about the pip. my point is, gbn cant help what the first batches bring. thats all im saying. gbn our who i use then for fast domestic i use a us sourse. HUGE TOM, THANKS FOR THE FREE BOTTLE OR TEST. I WILL ORDER TOMORROW bRIAN

dfwtp 10-07-2012 05:32 PM

not a whole lot from dragon on my end. I try to take advantage of the sales @ GBN store each month
as far as i can remember back, DP hasnt been on the list

I have been sticking with recommendations from hugetom as it seems like there is a method to the madness with what products are on sale

esp now with the bulk sales, those are outrageous

pip just reminds me it is in there.
doesnt really bother me all that much

Barman 10-08-2012 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 24208)
i dont think i am at that level. i am trying my best to get better, but those guys are really so good, it is hard to imagine

well i hope u do well at your next comp bro good luck :)

yeh and on the pip subject i have found the more u use gear the more your body gets used to it dont notice it at all and i have noticed guys who get the worst pip jab at night or late in the evenings do it in the morning when you get up (unless using test suspension clearly) because ul be moving more means more blood flow to move the oil around at lest thats the idea

brian 10-08-2012 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by bailey82 (Post 20029)
is there any pics you can post ? if not how was your gain or drop in weight there's alot to read i'm being lazy i want to try balkan

Bro balkan from gbn is some of the best. think its pharm grade. if u can affod it, go to the "good deal" part they have test e 250 amps. 100 amps for 500 bucks. best i ever done. its pharm grade and everyone knows this stuff. its the most expensive if u buy by the amp. they are 15$ for 1. o yeah its iran pharm ... do a review on it. Brian

dfwtp 10-09-2012 11:15 PM

new favorite back exercise is db rows, both arms @ the same time

awesome feel, esp b/c you have to drop the weight and get better feel

trust me on this. the back really screams this way as opposed to the overall body jerk of the b/o row done with the barbell

been liking partials on pulldowns as well, but nothing like the rows

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