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Huge Tom 08-14-2014 09:19 PM

50 Testoxyl Enanthate honest reviews Contest (Win Testoxyl Enanthate)
1 Attachment(s)
Easiest way to receive 1 vial of testoxyl enanthate kalpa pharmaceuticals for free.

1. If you have used or currently are on Testoxyl Enanthate from Kalpa Pharmaceuticals then you are eligible to participate in this contest.

2. Write a short review how testoxyl enanthate worked/works for you in this thread and post a pic of the product. (product picture is not mandatory namely for this contest but it will add more credibility)

3. After 50 reviews, winner will be chosen randomly by his thread post number
(via www. random. org service).
If you order more then once you can review more then once thus up your chance to win.

3 winners will be chosen with next prize for each:1 vial of Testoxyl Enanthate from KALPA plus a 10% discount for next Kalpa non-bulk order. How does that sounds for you?

So jump on it guys and lets get the ball rolling on this contest.

stillgoingstron 08-15-2014 10:51 AM

I'll kick this one off.

I first bought two vials of Kalpa Test E and was so impressed I then bought ten more through the bulk offer.

I don't use a lot, averaging 500mg EW but I get the results I want and don't see any need to use more.

The first two vials which I believe were some of the original stock gave slight PIP, but the newer batch give no PIP whatsoever - I even have difficulty remembering where I last pinned. Although that might be the old brain slowly giving up!

No PIP, very good price, a product that works and works well and coming from GBN one that's guaranteed to arrive. What more could you ask for? I'll definitely be buying again when I run out.

admin 08-16-2014 06:26 PM

That's a good idea Tom. I like it. Let me share my experience using testoxyl enanthate by kalpa.

I used my testoxyl enanthate for 12 weeks at 500 EW stacked with dianoxyl.

Testoxyl kicked somewhere at week 5 and my strength and energy level were up during all cycle as well as sex-drive, actually I was transformed in sex machine :)

The only side was increased amount of acne on back, all the rest was great as well as superior customer support.

Thank you for such a great product.

ckcrown84 08-19-2014 08:12 PM

Great contest interested to see people's results. I love me some Ethenate.

capkewl 08-19-2014 11:40 PM

Testoxyl Enathate
1 Attachment(s)
Testoxyl Enathate from GBN store is the only Test Ive used on my last 2 cycles and the results were phenominal. Ive posted my lab results about 3 weeks ago on here, you can go back and view them and after using this for 6 weeks at 250mg every 7 days my testosterone level was 2145 thats on a mild dose of 250mg every 7 days and Im 52 years old. Also no pain or red marks at injection site its very clean and very effective.


ediddy97 08-20-2014 03:15 AM

Kalpa test e is top notch gear
I finished a 12 week cycle shooting twice a week also along with Dianoxyl 10 for 4 weeks to get the cycle reved up. I was amazed at the size and weight I gained packing on 25 lbs. I've been on pct for 2 months and and have kept 20lbs packed on. The gear is smooth I really didn't experience any pip.

rahowa 08-20-2014 01:25 PM

Just started on my first bottle of kalpa test e. Have been running test for a year and a half now with dbol cycling on and off of the dbol of course with 1000 mgs of test a week. Kalpa test seems ok not much pip. We will see in the next couple weeks. Have to say HuggeTom was a big help. He helped me through the ordering process. This was my first order from gbn. I plan to order more real soon. Thank you again Tom for all the help brotheer.

Huge Tom 08-21-2014 08:34 PM

Ok we have 6 reviews so far, keep them posting guys, once we reach 50 reviews, winner will be chosen randomly by his thread post number(via www. random. org service).
If you order more then once you can review more then once thus up your chance to win.

Invite your buddies who tried Kalpa's testoxyl enanthat to post their short reviews as well.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

rahowa 08-24-2014 05:41 PM

kalpa test e
Ok 2nd shot of kalpa test e. This product is nice and thin. No need to heat it. It works great no pip at all. I have been on ttest for a yaer and a half now from a different company. I feel no decrease in test level strenghth level is still up high. Kalap is gtg.

admin 08-27-2014 10:27 AM

mine is smooth as well however there were guys who said they experienced some kind of pip. I guess it is needle size and speed of injection which can make some difference plus some are more sensible to BA.
How long will you stay on Test?

Originally Posted by rahowa (Post 38429)
Ok 2nd shot of kalpa test e. This product is nice and thin. No need to heat it. It works great no pip at all. I have been on ttest for a yaer and a half now from a different company. I feel no decrease in test level strenghth level is still up high. Kalap is gtg.

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