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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2012, 04:50 PM
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Default Sublingual TRT


I read a book called “Testosterone is your friend” by Dr. Roger Mason, which talks about using the hormone testosterone instead of using antidepressants.

Hormone Replacement Therapy is common place for women entering they're menopause, so why shouldn't men have they're hormone levels balanced as they decrease with age?

HRT for women contains testosterone! Did you know that? Its a miniscule but appropriate amount. Men and women who also suffer from depression/stress/anxiety have been proven to have lower than normal testosterone levels... Hence when a gentleman is a bit down it can affect the fella downstairs..

I'm now 40 and when my testosterone levels are measured I am grouped in the 40-60 age bracket, so when I'm told my levels are normal, I'm being told I may have the normal levels of a 60 year old man...

If as a weight trainer you still have low testosterone levels and your grouped with a 60 year old, that's awful, but its common place. ( a weight trainer diet and training should increase natural T levels)

In the US HRT for men and women is quite normal, altho possibly handed out to freely too, but that's another issue..

There a re several ways to measure testosterone levels and the figures I got from my Doc didn't consist of timed blood takings thru out the day which is how real, accurate levels are measured. I came back mid range, not great, not awful, I've never felt I had low T levels, however I am a total stress head.

So I decided to experiment.

Internet law dictates that Testosterone must be injected (not something I'm interested in, but has 100% absorption) or orally taken which is liver toxic due to a necessary change to the chemical structure to withstand passing thru the liver before its absorbed into the blood stream.(25% absorption) When test is injected it sits in the muscle and is slowly released directly into the blood stream. There's also the trans dermal option which is up to 60-70% absorbed.

Trans dermal never took off for steroid use altho nicotine patches use this method of delivery. However nasal sprays and mouth sprays are agreed to be the quickest and most highly absorbed with allegedly 100%. Cocaine users all round the world snort it for a reason, it works.. This is sub lingual absorption or subL as it will now now called.

If you look under your tongue you will see lots of blood vessels and for whatever reason this area, your tongue and your anus are capable of absorbing chemicals in these sites.

Any compound which has a molecular weight of under 500 from aspirin to HCG is subL, you will see this become common place as Imodium instants have become, subL is a fast effective way to ingest a compound.

I know for a fact GH supps dont work unless theyre booster, you cannot put GH into your body without a needle and has a molecular weight of over 500..

On a side note a mate tried a training dose of EQ and altho its molecular weight suggests its subL it didnt work, so its trial and error still.

I decided to use testosterone enanthate as the book recommends. It has something called a long ester and is slowly absorbed into the body. To administer it subL you simply put a few drops of the prepared formula(coming next)under your tongue) leave there for 10 mins and that's that.

Now, I used Test powder, which I then measured and weighed and added to simple olive oil. Putting the mixture in a dropper bottle and a warm bowl of water I then stirred it up, suspending the powder in the oil. I then kept it in fridge to keep it suspended. The temperature makes the oil thicker..

You will need 4mg of test powder in 2drops of oil.

4mg is the daily dose I tried, this is a tiny amount by TRT standards and I'll explain why as I go. However I feel compelled to say a TRT dose amounts to 28mg of test a week, a beginners training starting dose is 500mg a week, so big diff and a simple therapeutic dose.

The idea was to supplement rather than replace my test levels to the point where as a side effect from being de-stressed I should have the natural T levels of an 18 year old.

I initially only became aware of TRT because of people trying to justify injecting steroids. A dose of TRT can be as high as 125mg a week and often more. So people not wanting to inject themselves recreationally convince themselves that because its a medical reason its okey dokey lol.. They'll be feeling tired cos they train too often ( a sure sign of low test levels lol) they'll feel theyre not getting the results they deserve compared to how hard they train.. (cos they train too often) There's a lot of self delusion out there.

Bottom line is they do the dose because they want training gains.

Nobody seems to try a small supplemental amount, everyone pipes up to teenagers, you don't need gear for year yet cos of your natural levels, so why not recreate them? More isn't always better and less minimizes any negative potential side effects.

I've had a poor years training and in maintenance mode at best and I cant help but think TRT has helped me retain muscle as a side effect.

You will need, 3ml or 60 drops of olive oil and 120mg of test powder

4mg of test powder a day x 30 days is 120mg of powder.

2 drops of oil per day would mean a total of 2x30 drops of oil would be needed. That's 60 drops of olive oil.

1ml of oil contains approx 20 drops so you could either add 60 drops to the test powder(in a glass) or 60 divided by 20 = 3ml

So you could just add 3 ml of oil straight onto the test powder.

Its important to understand that 20 drops = a ml if larger amounts are used, you don't want to be dripping several thousand drops..

I was inadvertently on more carbs than I realized and when the test hit my system in 12 days time the effects were profound.

It tuned out I'd been overeating trying to just hold onto my weight and out 10lbs of pretty much fat on in 6 weeks. It felt like my had normalized. I would have had the weight gain if it had occurred to me that this could work I'd have cut my carbs..

If anyone overweight tried this I guarantee if your diets right you'll lose weight as quickly as I put it on.. opposite body types usually react oppositely..

Stress heads either under over eat to compensate.

From day 12 I felt great, this is a commonly reported benefit. I've found a greater dose has no benefits.

I was chilled!

I gave it 6 weeks and stopped, gave myself well my gonads 6 weeks to recover and tried again for longer this time.. all good.. interestingly no difference in libido tho.. I got some slight atrophy in me nads, but that could be dealt with with HCG if desired-also subL altho everyone still injects it.

When you inject you get peaks and troughs cos of the infrequency of jabs, when you dose daily your levels are more stable, you could even multi dose thru out the day if you wished for max stability.

I have had excellent results from friends who were desperate for some respite and hated the idea of anti d`s.. Personally I think anti d`s can be great and in the past have tried them with great success, however I tried them again last year and altho I could`ve tried others I didn't get on with the ones offered so tried this instead. I got such horrendous nite sweats I just couldn't face the possible side effect again..

I did this on and off last year and had no libido problems or crashes of confidence or any real stress whilst off and would go as far as saying2 months or trt can help your head for 4 months.. towards the end me nads weren't recovering so well so tried some bulbine natalensis for a pct.. I'm not going into details but fcuking brilliant stuff!

Also its totally legal to buy. (nolva/clomid is ironically still cheaper tho, but something I'm happy to not have to use.)

A 4mg dose of TRT is enuff to bring about a subtle sense of chilled well being, it doesn't make you aggressive, it will help normalize your metabolism, improve your sleep, mood swings will be improved/minimized..

I've had several clients come to me because they wanted to discuss TRT with someone who'd tried it. Do discuss TRT with your GP, but don't expect much in the way of interest, expect to be offered some anti depressants.

If you have no actual libido probs, forget it, that doesn't mean you cant benefit tho. If you train and you look like you train, forget it lol, there's a very good chance your GP will think you're after freebies.

If your doc raises his eyebrows at the mention of creatine you'll know your onto a loser lol.

It is perfectly legal to buy hormones from pharmacy websites that are registered in countries where hormones are available over the counter. There are a lot of scammer sites out there tho, so beware..

Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
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Old 10-04-2012, 09:30 AM
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Thanks for the read...some very thoughtful info included....alot of men in my age group (64) have always been told it just a sign ur getting s***
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2012, 12:32 PM
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good read but to most people is simple to inject 100mg/week instead of finding test powder mix it with oil put it into fridge.... however this is useful information.
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