I have used about $500-600 worth of Peptides from a couple different venders over the last 6 months and if they are working it seems to be very minimal especially compared to the results I get while on a cycle of gear. I used Frag/ CJC-1295 when I was cutting and GHRP-6/ IGF1 when bulking. Thoughts On Peptides gentleman?
I have used about $500-600 worth of Peptides from a couple different venders over the last 6 months and if they are working it seems to be very minimal especially compared to the results I get while on a cycle of gear. I used Frag/ CJC-1295 when I was cutting and GHRP-6/ IGF1 when bulking. Thoughts On Peptides gentleman?
They're expensive, and for my goals they're not necessary for me............. So, no peptides for me.
I've been running peptides for a couple months now and the only thing I notice is that my nails are growing out of control and vivid dreams. what sides are you haveing if any?
I haven't had any sides. GHRP 6 makes me hungry but that's why I am taking it. The Frag might make me sweat a little more in the gym but I am also on T3 and Clen so it's hard to tell.