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andyebs 06-03-2014 09:24 AM

peptides who rates
just looking for people opinions on
peptides are they worth it
i hear that make you almost feel young again and help with sleeping not that i have trouble also anti ageing effects
i see both GHRP(growth hormone releasing pulse)
and GHRH(gowth hormone releasing hormone)
should be taken together for maximum effects
but have few questions

qustions are
1) running them with say next bulk cycle how much will it help with putting on mass
2) if do say 3 pins a day morning/afternnon(pre workout)/and evening how do hold take the midday one i mean morning and evening can be done at home vial to pin then in but day one could i load isuline pin then take to wear i need ie work and then take when requiered and how sterial would this be i mean my insuline pins do have a nice little cap over the pin

i had a load of other questions if remember will get back
i know some poeple love them and some people dont rate them at all

Crew38 06-03-2014 11:29 AM

I did them and I ate non stop on ghrp2 the ghrp6 is more intense. I want the ghrp6 for food intake. I mixed it with 1295 no dac. I think you would need to run it for a year or longer to actually feel different. Purchase peptides has a bogo sale going on now

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dfwtp 06-03-2014 12:15 PM

disagree. should feel different right away''

well worth it $$$$

purchase peptides is gfarbage

myb why it takes so long

Crew38 06-03-2014 01:39 PM

I didn't order from them I just know they have a bogo from a few guys I know.
I felt it but other than eating everything I could find. I didn't have any body changes

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dfwtp 06-03-2014 03:37 PM

sounds like eating everything you could find is why you didnt see any changes

andyebs 06-04-2014 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 36967)
disagree. should feel different right away''

well worth it $$$$

purchase peptides is gfarbage

myb why it takes so long

speaking to some people and said effects start straight away within 24hrs

how long have you run them dfwtp also what dose/protical did you run
good to get info on someone who has run them with good results

dfwtp 06-04-2014 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 37002)
speaking to some people and said effects start straight away within 24hrs

how long have you run them dfwtp also what dose/protical did you run
good to get info on someone who has run them with good results

4 a couple years. (since I can never get any real GH)

100 ghrp
100 cjc

andyebs 06-05-2014 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 37020)
4 a couple years. (since I can never get any real GH)

100 ghrp
100 cjc

also what do you feel you have got from it and is it good to help build mass

cheers about starnderd then on what have read
i take it you do that 3 times a day 100mcg each
so question how do you go about taken it through out the day
1)take vial with you and pins and do when requeired (thought had to be kept in fridge)
2)do morning and night one at home and take pre loaded pin out during day and take as required

dfwtp 06-05-2014 07:51 PM

you said it ^^

mass, not so much. it is like low dose gh, so not going to get bigger with such a small pulse, but the anabolic environment is more advantageous for sure

andyebs 06-06-2014 08:48 AM

cheers for info and help

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