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andyebs 03-01-2016 10:20 AM

peptides with GH
i have been on peptides now for fair few weeks (ghrp & mod-grf)
and have to say love them not noticed much on extra size or weight loos as ghrp6 so eatinf quite bit its more the sleep and overall feeling good
have to say with double shifts been on and lack of sleep would have been lot worse without them and no back to normal pattern feel on top of the world

now this got me thinking about GH
and was talking to friend who said hes been on GH while and thinks its great and really adds new level to size and conditioning now he is quite big and always lean as hell
he says while on GH cant take T3 or clen as he loses so much BF

so talking about cost and things and he suggest that can keep cost down by
taking peptides all week
but only GH mon -weds-fri
this will keep cost down and still feel great effect of both drugs

now im no sure on the benefits on 3 days week with GH so would love to hear other opinions

thanks for replys in advance

stillgoingstron 03-01-2016 11:03 AM

Done and am doing the peptides but never tried GH. Not just the cost but from what I read all over the place the problem with fake gear.

Don't like the thought of shutting down my own production and needing to be on it forever either.

andyebs 03-01-2016 12:12 PM

I feel the fake gear issue is massive problem for most people

Armstrong 03-01-2016 04:02 PM

imo if you have to cut back on GH during the week I would go mon-fri on and sat-sun off, if I were you id just save up till you can run it ED

wooly 06-26-2016 02:04 PM

That's horrible.
Your poor friend, all he wants to do is shake a little it and develop chronic anxiety and insomnia but damn GH won't let him take Clen or T3. Damn that GH. He wasn't even asking to stack them, just one or the other. But alas, his bodyfat drops too low.......???? Too low for what? What is it he can't do when his bodyfat just gets too darn low? I'm not so sure fake gear is such a problem either, when you are putting together a GH/peptide regimen. I mean it's out there, but I think this friend has a tendency to make mountains out of molehills. I am sure he is nice, but maybe when his bodyfat gets too low he is not your go to guy for advice on such matters. Just my .02.

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