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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2011, 01:47 PM
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Question Igf 1

guys looking to get some of this from a site but i do not no much about it looking for feed back on it and does it promote muscle growth?
buying it from the soucre is not a problem if i need alot. I just happen to have lots of stuff and i am going to do a trade, but i want to know is it worth it and how do i take it and etc.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2011, 01:57 PM
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Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
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Old 09-27-2011, 05:20 PM
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igf looks good on paper, but unfortunately nobody ever seems to think it does anything except a pump. With des, same thing. but alot about going straight to the gut. got in trouble for pasting the article on another board, but not good due to the receptors in the large int.
Too many people use it, and not enough results to prove it is worth it, though I held research trials for over a year with some lab animals??????
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Old 11-08-2011, 10:05 PM
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IGF-1 in my opinion is best when site injected on the body part you work and you better eat right after and DO NOT MIX with HGH. Best way to constitute is with Acetic Acid .6% and BA. Read below and make your own AA.

0.6% Acetic Acid Overview
Acetic Acid (AA) will be used to reconstitute (turn your lyophilized igf-1 into a liquid form) your igf-1. The standard is to use 0.6% AA. This concentration is typically not available for you to purchase. You can make your own 0.6% AA and I will show you how below (many have used this method successfully).

Making 0.6% Acetic Acid
You will have to purchase a few items upfront. Here is a ***8220;grocery list***8221; of items you will need. I have provided check boxes for you to check off once you have purchased these items.

Items Needed:
***8226; Distilled white vinegar (grocery store)
***8226; Distilled water (grocery store)
***8226; 0.2-0.22um sterile Whatman syringe filter
***8226; 10mL syringe with a luer lock tip
***8226; ~20-22 gauge needles (just the needles)
***8226; Sterile glass vial (10-20mL)
***8226; Alcohol prep pads ***8211; sterile kind (70% isopropyl alcohol)

Quick Guide:
1. Swab the top of your sterile vial with alcohol prep pad (70% isopropyl alcohol)
2. Mix 7.5mL distilled water with 1.0mL vinegar
3. Add Whatman syringe filter
4. Add sterile ~20ga. needle to end of Whatman filter
5. Inject the 8.5mL of solution into the sterile vial
6. You now have sterile 0.6% acetic acid

Detailed Directions:
1. Wash you hands thoroughly
2. Optional: wear alcohol treated exam gloves (rub your gloved hands together with 70% isopropyl alcohol on them until dry)
3. Using a sterile alcohol prep pad, swab the top of your sterile glass vial (into which the acetic acid solution will be held in)
4. Using the 10mL syringe with a ~20ga. needle on the end, draw up 7.5mL distilled water
5. Using the same syringe, now draw up 1mL vinegar
6. Remove needle from the syringe and discard
7. Attach 0.2-0.22um Whatman sterile syringe filter (do not touch the free end that will have a needle on it)
8. Put a new, sterile needle (~20 gauge) onto the free end of the Whatman filter (do not touch needle)
a. Do not use the same needle on the Whatman that was used to originally draw up the unsterile vinegar and distilled water.
9. Put a ~20 gauge sterile needle into the top of your sterile glass vial to act as a vent
10. Inject the acetic acid solution into the vial
11. You are now done and should have sterile 0.6% acetic acid

1. These items MUST be sterile: 20-22ga. Needles, whatman filter, glass vial
2. Whatman filter: These small, sterile filters are used to filter the acetic acid solution so it is sterile. It does not matter that the liquid in your syringe (distilled water & vinegar) is not sterile, nor does it matter that the syringe itself is not sterile. Once the liquid goes through the filter it is STERILE. Thus, everything after the filter must be sterile!
3. You will most likely use 1mL (milliliter) of 0.6% AA to reconstitute your igf-1. Thus, you should make at least 1.5mL. In reality, it***8217;s just as easy to make 8.5mL as I have stated in the above directions. You will have plenty for use later then.
4. Do NOT reuse the Whatman filter nor any needles! Discard immediately.
Disclaimer: I do not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we/I share is for entertainment purposes only.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2012, 05:21 PM
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Default Igf-1



(1) Storage of IGF-1 (prior to mixing)
Lyophilized (dry) IGF-1 is stable at room temperature for 3 weeks; however, it should be stored below -18 degrees Celsius (in the freezer section).

(2) Weight of IGF-1
1 milligram (mg) IGF-1 = 1000 micrograms (mcg) IGF-1
[Dry weight—before mixing]

(3) What to Mix the IGF-1 with
When reconstituting (adding water), It is important to remember that IGF-1 can get “stuck” in the grooves of the glass bottle it comes packaged in. While glass appears smooth to the naked eye, under a microscope, it is a convoluted landscape of grooves and hidden recesses.
By mixing the lyophilized IGF-1 with an “acid water” (e.g. 10mM HCL– very dilute hydrochloric acid), the IGF-1 molecules are efficiently detached from the glass and solubilized in the mixture. Any online “compounding” laboratory could mix up a 10mM HCL solution. Likewise, any intro chemistry student should be able to do the same.
If a reliable source of “acid water” cannot be located, mix your IGF-1 powder with bacteriostatic water—you’ll lose, at worst, 10% of the IGF-1 solution.

(4) Adding the Acid Water
For purposes of mathematical ease, I suggest mixing the dry 1mg (1000mcg) IGF-1 with 3mL (or 3cc) of the “acid water” mixture.

(5) Preservation of the IGF-1
Using a 1cc insulin syringe, draw 1cc out of the bottle that contains 3cc of the acid water/IGF-1 mixture. In a separate 1cc insulin syringe, draw up another 1cc of the solution. Freeze these two loaded insulin syringes. They will be utilized at a later date.
NOTE: Freezing can safely and effectively preserve IGF-1 (even after it’s been mixed).

(6) The Correct Dilution
To the remaining 1cc of IGF-1 that’s left in the glass bottle, add 2cc of bacteriostatic water. This will return the total volume back up to 3cc.

(7) The Mathematics
(a) The original concentration of the IGF-1 solution was 1mg (1000mcg) IGF-1 in 3cc of water.
(b) Each 1cc that we removed, then, contained approximately 333mcg per 1cc.
1000mcg / 3cc = 333mcg per 1cc
(c) The 1cc that was left in the bottle, then, also contains 333mcg of IGF-1.
(d) We added 2cc of bacteriostatic water to the bottle and brought the total volume back up to 3cc. The difference, now, is that we now have 333mcg in 3cc of liquid (instead of in 1cc)

(e) To determine how much IGF-1 is in 1cc, you must divide by 3
333mcg / 3cc = 111mcg per 1cc

(f) To determine how much IGF-1 is in .10cc (or 1/10th cc), we do the following:
111mcg / 10 = 11mcg per .10cc (or 10 unit marking on insulin syringe)

(8) Effective Dosages of IGF-1
Dosages in the range of 10-20mcg per day (taken 15-20 minutes after training) are quite effective for building and repairing muscle tissue. More importantly, these “moderate” dosages (by some people’s estimation) stimulate muscle growth yet escape rapid “downregulation” of the all important IGF-1 receptors. Without receptors to recognize the IGF-1, it doesn’t matter how much you inject.
As dosages climb to over 50mcg per day, receptor downgrade increases exponentially and, from what I’ve observed among bodybuilders, muscle gains come to a screeching halt.
Bodybuilders will have the most success with IGF-1 if they follow the protocol I outlined below. Remember, more isn’t always better!

11mcg per day for 30 days (Cycle 1)
2 weeks OFF
11mcg per day for 30 days (Cycle 2)**
2 weeks OFF
11mcg per day for 30 days (Cycle 3)**
8 weeks OFF
Total # Weeks: 24 Total IGF-1: 1000mcg (1mg)

**The 2nd and 3rd cycles of IGF-1 treatment require that the two frozen 1cc insulin syringes be defrosted (only defrost one per cycle). Next, inject the defrosted solution into an empty bottle. Further dilute with 2cc bacteriostatic water. When adding the 2cc of water, use the syringe that originally held the frozen IGF-1. This acts to wash the syringe and ensure that nothing has stuck to the inside of it.

1. IGF-1 does not need to be injected into the muscle trained. 30 seconds after you inject the IGF-1, it’s in the blood stream and out of the muscle you injected it into.
2. Take it right after training and right before drinking your shake. IGF-1 acts like insulin and will push nutrients and supplements (creatine, etc) into the cells.
3. To recap above, take 11 mcg every day = 0.1 cc
4. Easiest is delt or lat, but it does not matter.
5. On off days, take it in the morning with breakfast.
6. Keep the vial so you can re-fill it from the frozen syringes.
Disclaimer: I do not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we/I share is for entertainment purposes only.

I do not sell, or condone the use of anabolic steroid.
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