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Cornish_Celt 09-28-2014 03:46 AM

The amount of iu's depends on the quality of the GH, If you use proper hospital/Human grade GH then 2 to 4 ius per day is enough although I know a few guys that use 2iu every other day. If you're using the Chinese GH then you may well need 10iu's per day but again I know people that use 16ius per day.

How many iu is the Rip?

hangin 10-31-2015 05:57 AM

Everyone is different I've been on gh for 4yrs with maybe a month or two off when I started I ran humatrope and nutropin aq and saw great results with 3iu ed but since I've switched to many different generics and still see and feel results but I run 5 to 6 iu with them. I've gone as high as 12iu but to me the results didn't match the cost . I've been on grey tops for awhile and they seem to be on point. Hands down the nutropin aq pen carts were amazing to say the least. For me other compounds come in to play for my gh results slin/test/t3 all change the game when added for me

hangin 11-11-2015 04:36 AM

I've done the AM pm split,5on 2 off, I'm now going to make a change 4iu sub-q and 4iu IM each day for 6months and see if there is any difference or benefit. Any thoughts

LastPaul 05-25-2016 03:14 AM

hi guys
I have a problem with set weight. Now I'm 75 inches and 188 lbs, but my goal is 200 lbs.
I training 6 times for a week, eat only proteins food, but I think it's non-effective without steroids preparates.
What do you think about this? My friend advised me get the order on *****************. Do you know anything about this site and it production?
And please recommend me what is the best steroid for begginers.

tj805 05-25-2016 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by LastPaul (Post 45277)
hi guys
I have a problem with set weight. Now I'm 75 inches and 188 lbs, but my goal is 200 lbs.
I training 6 times for a week, eat only proteins food, but I think it's non-effective without steroids preparates.
What do you think about this? My friend advised me get the order on *****************. Do you know anything about this site and it production?
And please recommend me what is the best steroid for begginers.

Hello Paul. As far as advice based off your post without knowing much of your workout routine, I see you said you are working out 6 times a week. As far as muscles go, you gain mass as the muscle repairs itself. You may want to give your muscles more time to rest. Rest is a key. As I said though, that is without knowing your routine. You may want to take days off between workouts, or design a workout plan where you are focusing on certain muscle groups on certain days. I would also suggest not getting used to the same excercises and consistently try to change it up. I am in no way a pro, this is just speaking from my own experience.

Now as for the beginner cycle. I would make sure you do as much research as possible if you have never used gear before. The internet has an abundance or resources. This forum being an awesome one. It was not too long ago I poked into this forum asking for advice on my first cycle. I am not familiar with the source you posted, and although i have since dabbled in a new source myself. Hands down i would recommend
Huge Tom is an awesome guy. Customer service is excellent. You can email him and he can answer any questions you may have. Plus it is a reliable and trusted source. I ran test prop eod for about 12 weeks for my first cycle with nolva as pct. Once you gauge how your body reacts to the gear, you can move on from there. But definetly talk to Huge Tom and some of the more knowledgable guys on this forum as well.

Hope I was helpful. Take care and be safe. :cool:

stillgoingstron 05-25-2016 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by LastPaul (Post 45277)
hi guys
I have a problem with set weight. Now I'm 75 inches and 188 lbs, but my goal is 200 lbs.
I training 6 times for a week, eat only proteins food, but I think it's non-effective without steroids preparates.
What do you think about this? My friend advised me get the order on *****************. Do you know anything about this site and it production?
And please recommend me what is the best steroid for begginers.

Unless you've been training for years and you know exactly how your body responds to training then 6 days a week is far too much. You can't possibly be training at the right intensity 'and' getting the necessary rest and recovery. Or, if you are getting enough rest then you're not training properly and a long way off needing steroids.

Cut right back on the amount of training time but train with much more intensity. Rest, recover and grow. Get all that sorted first. Because if you need steroids to grow then you'll need to be on steroids forever. No breaks, no off cycles. Just total reliance on steroids.
Sorry if it's not what you wanted to hear but steroids are never a good short cut to a lack of training knowledge.

nextman 06-03-2016 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by LastPaul (Post 45277)
hi guys
I have a problem with set weight. Now I'm 75 inches and 188 lbs, but my goal is 200 lbs.
I training 6 times for a week, eat only proteins food, but I think it's non-effective without steroids preparates.
What do you think about this? My friend advised me get the order on *****************. Do you know anything about this site and it production?
And please recommend me what is the best steroid for begginers.

For 2 years buy Tbol there. Once have a a one broken ampul. But they sent new.
Good luck and have a power training)

undername 06-14-2016 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by LastPaul (Post 45277)
hi guys
I have a problem with set weight. Now I'm 75 inches and 188 lbs, but my goal is 200 lbs.
I training 6 times for a week, eat only proteins food, but I think it's non-effective without steroids preparates.
What do you think about this? My friend advised me get the order on ***************. Do you know anything about this site and it production?
And please recommend me what is the best steroid for begginers.

Well, first of all stop eat only protein food. This strongly harms the kidneys
Then advice with your trainer about most effective steroids cycle for you.
And only then get order.

Billy 08-04-2016 10:15 PM

Does anybody have any info on Kalpatropin? Wanting to know how many Mls of Bac water to mix in it since its 20ius and then how much to draw up to get 1iu. Would be great to get info from someone who has taken it or is taking it but any info would be great. Thanks for you help.

Cornish_Celt 08-05-2016 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Billy (Post 46246)
Does anybody have any info on Kalpatropin? Wanting to know how many Mls of Bac water to mix in it since its 20ius and then how much to draw up to get 1iu. Would be great to get info from someone who has taken it or is taking it but any info would be great. Thanks for you help.

If you mix with 1ml of bacs water then each line on the syringe will be 2iu, alternatively you can mix it with 2ml of bacs water then each line on the syringe will be 1iu.

I would start off on 2iu per day and see how you go, after a few days or a week you can increase the dosage to 4iu per day.

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