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sheilsy 03-17-2010 09:32 PM

hgh cycle
this is my first hgh cycle. I plan on using 2ius ed between 1-2 months increase to 3ius for a month and then 4ius for 2 months. My goal is to lose some body fat and maybe increase some muscle, I am using hygetropin, they come in 8iu's per vial. I will reconstitute it w/ 1 ml of sterile water. I am using 29G 1/2 insulin syringes for Injections which are made into my stomache. I been injecting from the 20 on the syringe for 2ius but was wondering if i should be using 25 since it is an 8iu vial and not 10ius?
I workout 4 days a week
Saturday- biceps/triceps
Sunday- shoulders/legs
Abs 2-3 a week any days
With the warm weather coming i will run 3-5 miles 3-4 days a week
I welcome any help and will keep you posted. I know not to expect anything for atleast 2-3 months if not longer, so any post will be of any side effects, which I haven't received in my first week of use.

bostonpaul 03-19-2010 01:57 PM

Hey Bro how's it going?

Wow, your HGH schedule got complicated. Are you doing it that way in order to make the cycle last longer?

Great Weather we're having hu? Was out in the yard catching sun yesterday!

sheilsy 03-19-2010 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by bostonpaul (Post 2317)
Hey Bro how's it going?

Wow, your HGH schedule got complicated. Are you doing it that way in order to make the cycle last longer?

Great Weather we're having hu? Was out in the yard catching sun yesterday!

Do you think I should start w/ 3 or 4IUs? I dont won't to make it last longer if I'm using to little to see any results, that would be the real waste of money. Any suggestions would be appreciated BP.Yes this weather is great, big difference from last week.Thanks

OGLiftr 03-19-2010 11:07 PM

hgh cycle
Hey sheilsy,
I plan on starting mine at 3 iu's per day, and going up if necessary. I think I should be able to get some good benefit from that dose.
let me know what you decide on and the results from it.
I'll keep a log on here as well.

sheilsy 03-19-2010 11:29 PM

I been using 2ius for a week but will go to 3ius starting tomorrow. I noticed you ordered, takes a few weeks but it should arrive. Good luck.

sheilsy 03-20-2010 02:23 PM

Started using 3ius today. Plan on using it for 2 weeks and increase to 4ius.

OGLiftr 03-23-2010 09:00 PM

How are you tolerating it so far?
Any injection issues or soreness at inj site?
Thanks for journaling your cycle.
Its appreciated.

sheilsy 03-23-2010 10:06 PM

How's it going OG. No problems at all, didn't even draw any blood on any injections until yesterday (a drop). haven't had any scarring or any of the sides such as stiff joints. I have only been using 3ius for a couple days, started w/ 2ius for the first week. I read you have to be patient w/ hgh, not to expect too much for a few months. Let me know how you make out. Thanks

OGLiftr 04-12-2010 05:42 PM

Just started on 3 IU's per day today.
Also stacking test e 500 per week.
I may ramp up the Hgh soon, but I want to see how I tolerate both together.
I basically followed your recipe for reconstituting the hgh, and I inject into my stomach as well.
I'll let you know my progress as I go along as well.
I plan on using hgh for at least 8 months. Im hoping to use it longer, maybe at a lower dose with a shorter break.
How are your gains so far? Any noticeable changes yet? I know it's early in the cycle, but have you felt any differences yet?

sheilsy 04-13-2010 09:18 PM

How's it going OG Little gains but yes it is early in the cycle (about a month). I started w/ 1 iu for one week, 2ius for second week and have been using 3ius for last 2-3 weeks ed. The effects have been consitant w/ what I have read. The first month some extra energy and deeper sleep.Also had some joint pain the 2nd and 3rd week and a little rash around the injection area but not that bad. This month I am hoping to lose some belly fat and tone up abit. FYI, I scratched the sticker on the box to find the # and checked the web site and it all checked out, not that I had any doubt, just did it because I could. Keep me posted I'll do the same.

OGLiftr 04-14-2010 03:40 PM

Thanks Sheilsy.
I did the same. (The fake test, lol)
All looked good here too.
Just a few days in the cycle, and Im tolerating things well.
Injection sites are good, and no sides to speak of at 3 IU's per day.
Three day a week workouts targeting large groups of muscle. (Back, Legs, Shoulders, Bi's and tri's).
I am doing all the right excercises and 2-3 sets of each for now with lighter weight, more reps approach.
I will get seriously heavier in the weight once Im a bit more comfortable.
LOTS of cardio. I didn't realize how out of shape I really was, lol.
Weighed in today at 223lbs.
So far, so good.

sheilsy 04-14-2010 09:22 PM

hgh results
First Month
Vivid dreams
Better, sounder sleep
Improved stamina
Increased energy
Optimistic attitude
Second Month
Improved muscle tone
Increased strength
Improved skin tone
Improved nail growth
Better digestion
Weight loss
Improved vision
Enhanced sexual function
Third Month
Improved mental processes
Enhanced productivity
Faster wound healing
Hair regrowth
Fourth Month
Heightened improvements of all the above. At times improvements may seem to diminish or plateau. Rejuvenation is still in process. Benefits should resume with continued improvements.
Fifth Month
Improved weight loss and reduction of inches
Improved skin texture and appearance
Skin thickening and greater elasticity
Reduction of skin wrinkles
Thickening of hair with a shiny, healthy apprearance
Sixth Month
Diminished cellulite
Improved body contour
Improved eyesight
Improved resistance to colds, flu, and other illnesses
Disappearance of pain and soreness
Excellent exercise tolerance

sheilsy 04-14-2010 09:28 PM

OG, I didn't have any side effects until until the 2nd or 3rd week. the joint pains only lasted about 4-5 days and the injection rashes become less noticeable over time.

OGLiftr 04-15-2010 02:49 PM

Thanks Sheilsy.
Good to know.
I'll post any sides if I encounter any on the way.
I like the list of improvements as well.
Thanks for posting those.

OGLiftr 04-25-2010 02:29 PM

Cycle is going well at the end of the second week.
No sides to speak of yet.
Feeling much better, more energy, increased stamina, better workouts.
They cycle is: 500 mg Test E every week
HgH: 3 IU's per day every day.
Feeling great so far!

sheilsy 04-25-2010 05:37 PM

Sounds good OG. I have been using 3ius for a couple weeks. I started using 1.5ius in the morning and 1.5 ius in the afternoon, usually after workouts. A friend just suggested i do that and I read that on a few different sites. I was considering running test as well, how's that going for you? Thanks.

OGLiftr 04-26-2010 02:27 PM

Hi Shielsy,
The test an gh cycle is going very well.
I thnk adding the test was a good idea, and with the way I am beginning to feel now, something I will keep in this stack.
Recovery time is getting much quicker, and the I can start to feel the test in the gym now.
Ive lost 8lbs total in the time I've been on this cycle, and its going well.
The only suggestion I would make to anyone wanting to run this cycle is to drink a lot of water.
Between the gh and the test, its easy to dehydrate.
Otherwise, I would highly recommend this cycle, especially for older men.

sheilsy 05-11-2010 11:23 PM

2 months into the cycle i have noticed some increase in energy and fat loss, but nothing dramatic. I have been stacking w/ clen and t3 for the last week and a half. I have been using 3ius split into 2 injections. Continue to have joint pains more so in my hands, but tolerable. Continue to have deep sleeps. I plan on increasing to 4ius in about a month.

bostonpaul 05-14-2010 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by sheilsy (Post 3315)
2 months into the cycle i have noticed some increase in energy and fat loss, but nothing dramatic. I have been stacking w/ clen and t3 for the last week and a half. I have been using 3ius split into 2 injections. Continue to have joint pains more so in my hands, but tolerable. Continue to have deep sleeps. I plan on increasing to 4ius in about a month.

I wonder if a little test/deca would help out with joint pain.

You know you need the test so the deca wont kill your sex life.

How much fat you loose? What about your facial skin? Is it tightening at all?

bostonpaul 05-14-2010 07:58 PM

OG, I just saw your post AFTER I suggested the test/deca lol

Sounds like Im trying to make your idea into mine ha ha.

bot111 02-03-2012 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by sheilsy (Post 2287)
this is my first hgh cycle. I plan on using 2ius ed between 1-2 months increase to 3ius for a month and then 4ius for 2 months. My goal is to lose some body fat and maybe increase some muscle, I am using hygetropin, they come in 8iu's per vial. I will reconstitute it w/ 1 ml of sterile water. I am using 29G 1/2 insulin syringes for Injections which are made into my stomache. I been injecting from the 20 on the syringe for 2ius but was wondering if i should be using 25 since it is an 8iu vial and not 10ius?
I workout 4 days a week
Saturday- biceps/triceps
Sunday- shoulders/legs
Abs 2-3 a week any days
With the warm weather coming i will run 3-5 miles 3-4 days a week
I welcome any help and will keep you posted. I know not to expect anything for atleast 2-3 months if not longer, so any post will be of any side effects, which I haven't received in my first week of use.

I've been on hg for a year @ 3 i.u. per day, up to 5 i.u. per day. Cycled on and off of proprionate, hitting it every 3rd day. I'm 49 years old, 5'10", lean to begin with, and went from 163 188 with no gain in fat, only lean mass in a year. Also cycled Tren acetate once. BAM!!!!! Huge gains. HG with anything seems to rock.

Huge Tom 08-25-2012 04:25 PM

this was a good hgh cycle log, I will post a thread now with some basic information of hgh usage.

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