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Armstrong 10-06-2015 05:58 PM

extended gut form GH or Slin?? post'em up
there has been alot of talk about the extended guts in todays bodybuilding but there is no real evidence in what causes this, is it GH or is it insulin??, I personally think its the GH, I have ran GH in the past at 10iu ED for 1.5-2 years straight and I definitely noticed that my gut is a bit extended, at that time I only use slin once @10iu PWO for maybe a month, right now Im running slin @10iu PWO without GH, I will post up my results and what I have noticed about my midsection.

Anyone that has some good articles or other info about this subject please post them up.

stillgoingstron 10-06-2015 08:56 PM

Funny enough, I was watching this video yesterday.

andyebs 10-07-2015 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by stillgoingstron (Post 42155)

Funny enough, I was watching this video yesterday.

what the hell did you make me watch lol didnt make all way to end think got 9 mins in seems like talks shit
hes got other vids about cycles thats hes done and he looks like shit

stillgoingstron 10-07-2015 09:18 AM

Haha. I know exactly what you mean. I used to think the same but if you watch his other videos you'll see that he's more of a trainer than a doer. And a lot of what he says makes sense. And I only posted it because I'd literally watched it the day before Armstrong mentioned about the GH.

I suppose we have to make our own decisions about who we watch. Like a lot if people, I like to watch Rich Piana but that doesn't mean I'd follow his advice.

realmuscle 10-14-2015 12:52 AM

As far as the gh gut goes I personally stay leaner and keep my waist tighter when on gh. Slin is a little different. stomach distention is inevitable due to the fact you have to consume enough carbs to counter the negative side to using insulin which is when you dont eat enough you feel dizzy and light headed.

Armstrong 10-14-2015 04:17 AM

this subject is great cause both sides sound right, but if its the slin, the why do diabetics that do 30iu ED dont have these big guts?, its true about the carbs but when you cut the carbs your stomach goes back down

realmuscle 10-26-2015 11:54 PM

Diabetics are using insulin most of the time because there insulin is not doing its job blood sugar is elevating without having anywhere to go. So the synthetic insulin helps the transport of blood sugar to glucose which in that particular diabetics case is enough insulin to help turn that meal into glucose and sustain some release for a few hours. Where as a bodybuilder with out insulin issues using synthetic insulin has no problem turning glucose into glycogen so much so that blood sugar will begin to drop and thats where you have to compensate by eating excessively

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