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andyebs 07-14-2016 08:33 AM

kia green not competing at olympia 2016
now hear is interview with kia green from muscle and development

its like hour long and typical kia takes ages to explain or answer any question

but basically hes saying he wont be competing at 2016 Olympia

this quite a shock this two years on a row

ive also seen interview with jay cutler whos states he doesn't think kia will ever do Olympia ever again says he will just go around winning the arnolds and stuff

whats your thoughts

another thing is he is always banging on about chasing your dream and mr Olympia is hes dream so letting himself down and hes fans

if want to just hear him say it he does some parts of vid

but about 28 mins in he is asked will levrone place higher than him and hes reply is well I wont be there competing

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