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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2014, 08:28 PM
Join Date: Aug 2014
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Thumbs up New here looks like a great forum!!

Hey guys obviously I'm new to the forum I would like some advice on a question you have probably heard plenty of however possibly from personal experience ect I can get some good feedback from what I haven researched.
So I am naturally a pretty skinny guy weighed about 110 lbs in 2010 when I decided to get out of a rut and make bodybuilding a better life choice for me. I now fluctuate from 135 to about 145 finding it very difficult to gain and maintain my body weight once I get it to that point. I sit at about 4% body fat and am fir what I would think pretty cut however like the majority of us I would like to add a little more size! Most will say just eat more we'll I had a problem with my esophogaus in 2009 and to nake a long story short I could get good down with out it getting lodged in.. So after a laparoscopic esophageal myotomy it has corrected the problem about 70 percent taking me much longer to eat and drinking much more fluid and sometimes tgat will fill me up more than the food.
So does anyone have advice on diet supplements and post cycle to maintain and build the best gains it probably sounds like a stupid question but looking fir some good advice if would be greatly appreciated thanks!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2014, 02:16 PM
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Welcome to HM bro,

It is a pleasure to know you are a part of this place now.

We have many members with different experiences and I really hope we can give you some useful advices.

Just an idea: are you using any muscles supps like gainers, proteins? They are just easy to drink and faster to assimilate.

Originally Posted by Project bulk View Post
Hey guys obviously I'm new to the forum I would like some advice on a question you have probably heard plenty of however possibly from personal experience ect I can get some good feedback from what I haven researched.
So I am naturally a pretty skinny guy weighed about 110 lbs in 2010 when I decided to get out of a rut and make bodybuilding a better life choice for me. I now fluctuate from 135 to about 145 finding it very difficult to gain and maintain my body weight once I get it to that point. I sit at about 4% body fat and am fir what I would think pretty cut however like the majority of us I would like to add a little more size! Most will say just eat more we'll I had a problem with my esophogaus in 2009 and to nake a long story short I could get good down with out it getting lodged in.. So after a laparoscopic esophageal myotomy it has corrected the problem about 70 percent taking me much longer to eat and drinking much more fluid and sometimes tgat will fill me up more than the food.
So does anyone have advice on diet supplements and post cycle to maintain and build the best gains it probably sounds like a stupid question but looking fir some good advice if would be greatly appreciated thanks!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2014, 05:11 PM
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As protein and fat both kill your appetite to an extent I'd say that once you hit your macros for both those you need to add carbs and just carbs. Would probably help to drink the extra carbs as well.

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