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jermanyyy 09-22-2012 05:30 AM

new guy
hi i just started back am a 35 yr old male got a lil to much eight on especially in my mid section, started back gym just last week and after a a 5 yr hiatus started bk liftin, but my arms are weakkkkkk, i never used steroids but i want to try something like Clenbuterol, if it will help me drop my fat andgive me some much needed energy, i will be starting a cycle of superpump 250 soon, but need to drop spme fat and get some cuts what advice can i get on it and where can i oerder it whst web site i mean , thansk you

FLipped 09-22-2012 08:59 AM

welcome. to HM
Hey buddy happy to have you here. I am not any guru by any means and there are alot of knowledgeable people on here. However, I do believe that you need to get steady in the gym and do things naturally, fix your diet 1st off, get into a good carido routine for 2nd, And 3rd get into a good routine in the gym, and when you get to a plateau, change your routine. I have lost 30 lbs in 4 months just by changing my eating habits. If your interested I can fill you in. But i'll need your weight and height and your eating habits/schedule to help.

Barman 09-22-2012 05:03 PM

hey bro before you do anything get diet sorted first then do a coulpe months of hard work in the gym before doing anything then could try a bit of clen if u still wish to. you have a good bit of gym exp so id say ud get some gains and all quite quickly i do believe muscle memory try that bro just to see thats my input but if you still wish to do it first we will all try to help :) that is superpump?? lol

admin 10-03-2012 02:37 PM

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