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James42 09-17-2012 04:18 PM

New guy
Just introducing myself. I was referred here by
Ive been a member of another bodybuilding forum for a long time but ive lurked here for awhile.
Im getting everything in order to run my first cycle in a few months. I have a few weeks left on my current bulk and then ill cut down to around 10%bf before i start.
My stats are:
205 lbs
14-15% bf
5 years training experience, 3 years of actually knowing what im doing
Squat 290x1
Dead 390x1
Bench 210x1(sad i know)
My lifts and weight would be higher but i work a very physical job and its a never ending battle trying to balance my training and recovery. Thats why ive decided to run a cycle. Im getting laid off this winter and i want to take advantage of the time off for recovery.
so far my plan for my first cycle is,
12 weeks 500mg test e
hcg every fourth week at 500iu
Nolva on hand just in case

Week14-15, 40mg nolva, 100mg clomid
Week16-18, 20mg nolva, 50mg clomid

Any feedback on wether this looks good or not would be appreciated

Barman 09-17-2012 05:20 PM

hey bro hcg i wouldnt bother with that on a 12 week test cycle its ment for big usely long cycles. pct u only need 20mgs of novla a day on pct (to take before bed) also dont have to run clomid but if u want to be my guest but lots of people get alot of sides from it. alot of guys here dont use pct ever and are huge lol but id always run novla on pct just to be safe :) your lifts are good better than mine but i dont train heavy or for strenght just size and it works for me. good luck bro :)

James42 09-17-2012 05:51 PM

Thanks barman. Ill take your advice on the hcg and probably clomid too. Im probably being over cautious.

Barman 09-17-2012 07:41 PM

dont get me wrong hcg is great for big cycles. and if you want to try clomid go ahead mate just if sides are to much drop it. also depends on how shut down you get some guyes get badly shut down on a little bit of test others dont .

James42 09-17-2012 08:05 PM

I hear you. Nothings set in stone yet.
Most likely it will end up being just the test e for 12 weeks and nolva for pct.
I see some guys using armidex at. 25mg eod throughout the cycle, i might do that too.
i just know from past experience with any medication ive ever took, if theres a side effect i get it, so i want to be prepaired.

Barman 09-17-2012 08:36 PM

Yeh i know bro good luck. yeh thats to stop or reduce any retention use on cycle like. let us know what you decide to do maybe do a little log??

dfwtp 09-17-2012 10:12 PM


Cornish_Celt 09-18-2012 04:41 AM

Welcome to the forum
I wouldn't bother with the HCG either and I won't touch Clomid(because of the sides)
I'm one of the guys that has never run PCT
Nice beginners cycle

mth496 09-18-2012 04:53 AM

Welcome to the family bro. Enjoy.

FLipped 09-18-2012 09:21 AM

welcome. to HM
You've come to the right place. Glad to have you here!

eazy 09-18-2012 09:50 AM

Welcome to .HM fella I also don't use hcg but I do use clomid without any issues :D:D

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