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Dbol8 06-30-2013 01:17 AM

New to the forum but not to lifting
Hey everyone,

I just wanted to introduce myself and share some background
I am 31 and have not lifted steadily since 2007. Prior to this I lifted for 9 years and stopped once I had children and a career. I have since gained a lot of weight roughly 40 pounds. I went from 185 pounds and 9% body fat to 235 and unknown body fat but would guess to say around 30%.

At this point my health sucks and its my fault but at this point my kids are older and I can focus on me again. I have since started running 1.5 miles 3 to 4 times a week and have lost some inches on the gut. I also have had my t levels checked and found they were low @284. As a result my doc has started me on test cypionate 200 mgs twice a month. Thus bringing me to want to supplement as I feel this is a low dose but I am happy enough to at least get this from the doctor.

From here I hope to get in better physical condition and add some muscle to my arms and legs. I further hope to lower my body fat levels and of course have a cleaner intake of calories. So at this point I will probably add dbol to the test I am getting to achieve some size and see where my body takes me for now. But hope to make some good friends on the forum.

Cornish_Celt 06-30-2013 03:01 AM

Welcome to the forum dude, it's good to have you here

Demanda_Doll 06-30-2013 03:09 PM

Welcome to the boards good to have u here!
It's never to late to get in shape!

Dbol8 06-30-2013 07:39 PM

Thanks guys

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