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Vinny 08-24-2012 08:31 AM

Hi from the UK
Hi everyone,

I'm Vinny. I live in England.

I train 4 days per week using Wendler's 5/3/1. Been on the programme for around 8 months.

Started training in Jan 2011 at a weight of 322lbs. I am, as of yesterday, 266lbs. LBM is around 190lbs so still some chub to lose.

My best lifts are 180kg squat (raw ATG Olympic style), 135kg Front Squat, 75kg press, 225kg deadlift and 95kg bench (took me a while to build this up due to a nagging shoulder injury).

Suffered a back injury in Dec and Mar so training has been interrupted a little but I've been on a good stretch now and hoping to keep it going.

Goal for 2013 is to compete in some strongman competitions with a view to making an entry into the more professional tournaments in 2014.

I'm here because I'm looking to start my first cycle f test-e. Have read a few topics and this seems the place to be to get some solid advice.

Nice to be here


FLipped 08-24-2012 09:55 AM

welcome. to HM
Great goals, happy to have you here. Keep us posted on your progress!

Cornish_Celt 08-24-2012 10:09 AM

Welcome to the forum mate, glad to have you here
There is a load of good advice on HM, We're a friendly bunch and always happy to help out

dfwtp 08-24-2012 08:55 PM


Vinny 08-24-2012 09:04 PM

Thanks all. Will post a few Qs to get started :)

admin 10-03-2012 02:38 PM

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