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joboco 04-28-2011 05:53 PM

Hi, new guy loging in
Hello dudes,

Obviously I'm new here that's why I'm posting in the welcome section.

Been lifting about 2 + years now. I suffer with lack of motivation as far as diet goes.

Hoping being here will help me eat the correct foods to help loose fat.

Stats are,

6ft 5in
245lb about 28%bf disgusting I know.

I'm planning on dropping to around the 10%bf mark in the next 4-5 months. After this I want to try either some pro hormones or TestE.

So any advice will be welcome on any of the above will be appreciated.

DEE151 04-28-2011 07:21 PM

Welcome to HM you have came to the right place to learn here, we got great staff members that are well educated wen it come to BB and etc. eat lots of plain chicken and rice and oats it nasty but it does help out allot wen U want to loose bf it really help for me back 4yrs ago. i drop 60lbs in like 4 months

Cornish_Celt 04-28-2011 07:32 PM

welcome to the forum dude, Happy to have you here
Any questions you have, just ask!
we're a friendly bunch on HM and always happy to help out

Good Form 04-29-2011 02:53 AM

Welcome to HM:cool:

Seanster 05-02-2011 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by joboco (Post 11934)
Hello dudes,
Obviously I'm new here that's why I'm posting in the welcome section.
Been lifting about 2 + years now. I suffer with lack of motivation as far as diet goes. Hoping being here will help me eat the correct foods to help loose fat.
Stats are,

6ft 5in
245lb about 28%bf disgusting I know.

I'm planning on dropping to around the 10%bf mark in the next 4-5 months. After this I want to try either some pro hormones or TestE.

So any advice will be welcome on any of the above will be appreciated.

Hey bro, glad to have you around. Dont get down on yourself. You have to start somewhere, we all did. You have a great height and 245 for that height is no big deal, that 28% will drop off in no time. Keep your goals simple for now and get into your dieting with as much enthusiasm as you do your training program. Dieting is actually alot more fun than you think if you start planning, researching and implementing. There are tons of great info on this board and many great people to help you along.

Glad to have you on board!

lobo 05-02-2011 08:01 PM

welcome bro!

joboco 05-02-2011 08:38 PM

Thanks guy's all the welcomes and encouragement.

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