bfeitknecht |
10-04-2010 12:34 AM |
hey iron addicts
just wanted to introduce myself to the community real quick . I am a 25 yr old male from a small town in Pa .I manage a General Nutrition Center (GNC) and bodybuilding has changed my life.I went from a struggling drug addict shooting heroine and cocaine to a PROUD,STRONG, INSPIRATIONAL young man who strives to be the best at whatever i put my mind to.Ever since i have committed to training,dieting, and supplementing the right gear my life has improved dramatically. I went from a 135 lb to a strong ,lean 197 lb at 5 ft 7 inches. I plan on competing next year at the Mr pittsburgh NPC event.i follow the sport of bodybuilding and the evolution of our supplements and gear that give me an edge over the competition.I pride myself in being knowledgable without being cocky.Knowledge is power in this field.I am amazed of how the human body can adapt,grow, and change whenever you put it in different environments.I love muscle, period. Whether its a chick with bigger arms then me or man that you just look at and say "Wow".I cant help but look in envy.This site rocks and the so do most of the members of it.Thank you to all who has great informational posts with dos and donts of our chemical world..Im a newbie to the gear and this site so hello and I hope i can gain more understanding of cycles, supplementation, and good direction from all of you vets..Add me as a friend if your just like me and train to live and lives to train.