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roids4ever 11-23-2009 01:06 PM

hello bodybuilders
Hi I am in bodybuilding for many years. I did my homework and I know how to train and use steroids correct. Would be happy to discuss any questions you have on this subject.

Cornish_Celt 11-23-2009 01:46 PM

alrite mate, welcome to the club

musclesprod 11-26-2009 10:35 AM

welcome bro, share with us some of your favorite steroids cycles

admin 11-29-2009 12:24 PM

welcome to the forum bro :)

GettnRippd 11-30-2009 01:36 AM

water retention
started a test e and dbol cycle, on week 2 starting to get noticable water retention. I put on six pounds last week, bought some water retenion pills so it wont be so noticable. the product i bought was a over the counter by cytogenix,, called taraxatone. i already started eating the pills but thought id get some advice if i should worry about retaining water or if its ok to take these pills for the suggested five days for shedding excess body water. still waiting for nolva and my clomid to arrive. I have also ordered proviron and exemestane for future use or as a back up for side effects.

milleniumgirl 11-30-2009 04:55 AM

Welcome to the board, I'm new too :cool:

GettnRippd 11-30-2009 08:20 PM

anybody listening

growhuge 12-01-2009 02:26 PM


anybody listening
bro please post this in steroids sections that is intended for such discussions. Welcome to HM :)

madbodybuilder 12-01-2009 04:46 PM

hi and welcome. 2 GettnRippd: please post in right rubric bro and you will get answer.

Robbie 12-05-2009 06:30 PM

Welcome to the forum !

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