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66tank 08-20-2010 06:53 PM

Good to be here
Hello everyone, good to be here with all you sharing my same interests....getting bigger and better. I have ,in the past been on other boards (that will remain nameless do to most boards policies.) Anyway I fell out of the game im late 07 do to a bad injury that stuck me in bed for seven moths with two shatered and fuzed, feet and ancles. I've decided to make a come back reguardless of the circumstances. That is why i am excited to be a part of your board, i feel that through all of you i will find the knowledge and everything i will need to make this happen. And hopefully through the 9 years i have been involved with the game i can bring something to the table for all of you too. Im looking forward to meeting new people and hopefully running into some old freinds:)
,warmest regards 66tank

admin 08-20-2010 09:15 PM

Welcome to the HyperMuscles bro. I hope your recovery went ok and you are ready for achieve new goals.

Let us know how we can contribute to this.

jrahming9 08-20-2010 09:53 PM


I think we found our new online home!


jake.oz 08-21-2010 02:08 AM

welcome tank good to have you here

mr.bean 08-21-2010 03:32 PM

welcome bro :D

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