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Thanks to its long lasting effects, Sustanon 250 is injected less frequently compared with using most single testosterone esters. This makes it more appealing for people who aren’t keen on regular injections and also reduces the risk of injury or pain to the areas of muscle where the solution is injected.
You might inject Sustanon for performance enhancing purposes anywhere from once to three times weekly so you’ll need to work out which muscle area works best for you, and ideally rotate the injection site to avoid ongoing irritation and pain. Most people choose to inject in the largest muscles including the deltoid, vastus lateralis (thigh), and gluteal muscles (buttocks). Sustanon 250 Dosage Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Sustanon 250 Dosage An effective dose for men using Sustanon 250 can start at 500mg weekly and go up to 2000mg weekly for advanced users. Beginners are always advised to start at the lowest effective dose and for some, this could even go as low as 300mg weekly. When combining it with other compounds, 500mg per week is almost always enough Sustanon to have a positive effect. Advanced users are known to raise dosage anywhere between 1000mg and 2000mg weekly however this is rarely the case when other compounds are being used and such high doses by advanced users are almost always only done when Sustanon 250 is being used alone. These higher doses will raise your risk of severe side effects substantially. Typical Sustanon 250 Cycles To get the most out of Sustanon a cycle length should be at least 10 weeks because of the slower release rate of one of the esters which allows the effects to be long lasting. A 10 week cycle should be considered a bare minimum however, with 12 to 14 weeks allowing the most benefits thanks to the longer half life of this 4 ester combination. Beginner Sustanon 250 Cycle Using Sustanon on its own or with one other compound for bulking is usually the choice of anyone starting out with Sustanon. A popular beginner cycle is to use the powerful bulking kickstart steroid Dianabol for the first 4 weeks with Sustanon also being used during that time, and continuing with Sustanon for another 8 weeks to maintain the gains made with Dianabol. Intermediate Sustanon 250 Cycle Intermediate users can add an extra compound to the above cycle and this usually comes in the form of Deca-Durabolin. Dianabol provides the initial kick off for gains at the start of the cycle for four to six weeks, while Sustanon 250 and Deca are taken for the entire 12 week duration of the cycle. Advanced Sustanon 250 Cycle Advanced users will often extend a Sustanon cycle out to 16 weeks to reap the full benefits of this long lasting steroid. For an advanced bulking cycle making use of Sustanon, the same other compounds are often used and these Dianabol and Deca, with the difference between beginners and intermediate users being that advanced users will significantly increase the dosage of these other compounds, while still using Sustanon to retain a base testosterone supply over the entire 16 week cycle. Sustanon 250 Only Cycle Beginners using Sustanon alone in a cycle can start from 300mg to 500mg weekly with 12 weeks being the minimum length for this cycle, while advanced users will choose to take to three times that dosage during a 12 week cycle. Alternatively when using Sustanon as base testosterone compound only during cycles that are more focused on other steroids, low doses can be effective below 200mg weekly which are run for as long as your regular steroid cycle is active. Stacking Sustanon 250 Sustanon is well known for its compatibility for stacking with virtually any other type of anabolic steroid. Common stacks include Deca-Durabolin, Trenbolone and Dianabol particularly in the off season while cutting stacks make use of powerful compounds like Anavar, Winstrol and Trenbolone where Sustanon 250 can provide a base testosterone supply to help retain lean muscle during calorie deficit phases. What Results Can I Expect Using Sustanon 250? Your results from Sustanon will depend on several different factors: what you’re using it for (bulking, cutting or testosterone maintenance), any other steroid compounds you’re stacking it with in a cycle, your dosage and cycle length, your workout and diet routines, and how effective your post cycle therapy plan is. Genetics will also play a role. With these aspects in mind we can see how a one size fits all expectation of certain results does not exist, but it’s possible to gain some idea of what to expect when you use Sustanon 250. For most guys it will be three or four weeks until you start seeing some noticeable gains, but again this will heavily depend on other steroids you’re using – particularly when using other compounds that have a higher anabolic rating and can help you pack on mass faster. In these situations you’ll probably find it difficult to attribute any particular result to Sustanon, but it will be helping your overall gains as part of your wider stack and making sure you are maintaining the level of testosterone needed for strength, muscle gain and fat loss. A Sustanon only cycle focused on gaining mass which runs for 12 weeks can easily yield you gains of 10-20 pounds by the end of the cycle, as long as you can control water retention and retain the gains with good implementation of PCT afterwards. If you don’t control water retention adequately you can easily lose half the weight gained, which indicates how serious that side effect needs to be taken. Side Effects from Sustanon 250 Cycle Like all testosterone steroids, Sustanon 250 has strong androgenic effects and is also an aromatizing steroids which means it causes estrogenic side effects as well. This means that the most dreaded side effects that steroid users face are at high risk of occurring when you use Sustanon including water retention and gynecomastia – these affect not only the appearance of your results but also potentially your health. Learning how to control all of these side effects is an important aspect of using Sustanon. Here are the main side effects to look out for when using Sustanon 250: Estrogenic Side Effects Sustanon (testosterone) is an aromatizing steroid which results in testosterone being converted into the female hormone estrogen. Men require small amounts of estrogen for normal functioning but the aromatizing process often results in a great imbalance between estrogen and testosterone, causing estrogen to rise beyond normal levels and this brings about familiar side effects. These are: Gynecomastia – the growth of excess tissue on the breast area in males. If this issue is allowed to go on for too long it can reach a stage where surgery is your only option to fix it. Water retention and bloating – retaining too much fluid will give you a bloated look and mask some of the muscle gains you’re making, or make it difficult or impossible to achieve a toned and refined look in a cutting cycle. High blood pressure – water retention can cause blood pressure to rise simply because of the additional fluid being circulated that results in blood pressure increasing. The higher your Sustanon dosage is, the more likely and more severe the estrogen related side effects will be as levels of that hormone rise further. Androgenic Side Effects The testosterone hormone has an even rating of anabolic to androgenic effect at 100 and 100 – or an anabolic:androgenic ratio of 1 – so we can expect the androgenic side effects to be as powerful as the anabolic benefits when using Sustanon as it is simply a testosterone combination steroid. Besides the androgenic activity of testosterone itself, when that hormone is converted in DHT then a further increase in androgenic effects happen with DHT being a very powerful androgen compared with testosterone.
www.steroidscycles.net www.hypermuscles.com Disclaimer: Hypermuscles.com does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
Not everyone will suffer with all or even any of these side effects as they can be heavily determined by your genetics, but it’s wise to be aware of the possibilities of androgen related side effects with Sustanon, including:
Oily skin and acne – increased sebum production can result in acne ranging from mild to severe, especially if you were an acne sufferer in your teens. Baldness – hair loss in males or a noticeable receding hairline can occur if you are genetically predisposed to baldness. This can be difficult or impossible to reverse and means you can experience hair loss sometimes several decades earlier than you were already going to thanks to your genetics. Masculine effects in females – being a strong androgen, Sustanon is not recommended for females because of the virilization side effects which are highly likely. These include hair growth, voice deepening, clitoral enlargement, irregularities with menstruation and an overall major imbalance of having far too much testosterone in the female body which normally only has a very small amount. So what can you do about these side effects? The only way to manage them or try and prevent them completely in the case of estrogenic effects, is to make use of prescription drugs that were mostly developed to treat breast cancer in women either by blocking estrogen receptors or lowering overall estrogen. Aromatase inhibitors (AI) are commonly used as are SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators). While SERMs are useful for tackling side effects like gyno specifically because of the way they target estrogen receptors in the breast tissue, AIs reduce overall estrogen levels and can therefore address all estrogenic related activity and as such have become the preferred option for combating these side effects. Cholesterol Other side effects at the more serious end relate to Sustanon’s effects on cholesterol health. It can bring about a reduction in levels of good cholesterol (HDL), and this can get worse when you are using an aromatase inhibitor drug which is almost always the case. So people with existing cholesterol issues need to strictly monitor levels and maintain a quality diet with omega-3 and other cholesterol friendly foods and implementing good amounts of cardio into your workouts. Testosterone Suppression Natural testosterone production is another unavoidable effect of using Sustanon because the body is receiving high amounts of testosterone from the steroid. This has no effect during your cycle, but causes a drop in testosterone once Sustanon wears off at the end of the cycle. Here is where post cycle therapy is critical to trigger natural testosterone production again, without which you would be waiting many months for normal hormonal function to recover – resulting in severe low testosterone effects including loss of the gains you worked so hard for during your cycle.
www.steroidscycles.net www.hypermuscles.com Disclaimer: Hypermuscles.com does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
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