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Post Cycle Therapy What is the best one to restore your natural testosterone production.

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Old 04-09-2017, 03:24 PM
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Default My Secrets to Clear Skin Part 2

Let me preface this by saying,this is only ONE MAN'S EXPERIENCE on what's worked for him.Please don't take it as "GOSPEL".It may or may not work for you and the only way to know is through TRIAL & ERROR.This is only a example of ONE POSSIBLE SOLUTION.

My Secrets to Clear Skin Part 2

[SIZE="3"] October 17, 2015 By John Doe

I place a lot of emphasis on my skin as well as my muscles.

It sucks to have a large and muscular physique, just to be embarrassed to show it off because of shitty skin.

Diet and cleansing play a role in clear skin, but most of the negative issues we face with skin are really due to hormone levels in the body. This is the #1 reason why you experience acne outbreaks as a teenager more than an adult.

Guys using steroids often face severe acne outbreaks on their shoulders and back, and this is usually worse when they discontinue use and go into recovery mode.

Some of the things they use for recovery can make it even worse than using nothing at all.

It’s really a double edged sword here: on one hand, recovery drugs will help your body produce it’s own testosterone again much faster.

While on the other hand, because you’re introducing an abundance of female hormones to get your own body to counteract it by making it’s own testosterone again, you’re often faced with acne as a side effect.

The biggest culprit of acne is the dreaded “estrogen rebound effect”.

This happens when you discontinue either a cycle of steroids or EVEN SOME SUPPLEMENTS THAT REQUIRE A POST CYCLE THERAPY REGIMEN.

The biggest protocol here is to stay on some sort of aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex or Aromasin throughout post cycle therapy, in order to keep estrogen levels at bay.

It’s also not a bad idea to include these throughout the cycle, because almost any time testosterone levels go up, so do estrogen levels.

The key is to keep testosterone high and estrogen in normal range (low normal is even better).

If you need a good post cycle therapy regimen and you don’t have access to aromatase inhibitors (drugs that prevent estrogen conversion) such as Arimidex or Aromasin, then my next option would be Post Cycle 3x by Vital Labs paired up with Osta Shred.

The Osta Shred has Arimistane included in it, and it’s a decent dosage that will prevent estrogen conversion and also reduce circulating levels of elevated estrogen.

Arimistane definitely works and will keep you much dryer and harder looking by keeping estrogen out of the picture.

While Post Cycle 3x has 800mg/dose of Trans-Resveratrol included in it, I just don’t know of any conclusive studies showing this ingredient REDUCES already circulating estrogen levels rather than just blocking the formation of estrogen.

If it were myself I would pair this product with Osta Shred as a safeguard since the Arimistane in Osta Shred will surely reduce already circulating levels of estrogen.

Not only that, but you’re still getting a decent performance based effect out of the supplement during PCT, and usually during PCT most guys crash and training goes to shit!!

Osta Shred is also a product that doesn’t require a PCT if only used for 4 weeks, so I see no harm in taking this DURING A PCT.


Guys want to know if they can use anything to get an edge while coming off cycle and in their down time.

Osta Shred during PCT and Post Cycle 3x would be my answer as far as the supplement route goes.

Normal PCT is usually around 4 weeks.

I would personally run the Osta Shred out during the entire PCT (about 4 weeks total).

One bottle of each product should be enough to get you 4 weeks for post cycle therapy.


This article is most certainly about clear skin, but if I didn’t address the biggest issue with skin first, then this article would hold no value!!

The faster we can get hormone production back to normal and in the right ratio, the faster your skin is going to clear up!!

So what can you do in the meantime before you get any other products?


#1- Start rubbing deodorant on your acne before bed at night, this will help dry it out.

#2- Start using Dawn liquid dish soap to wash yourself with.

This will help cut oil better, and since your sebaceous glands are going nuts producing excess oil, it’s a wise idea to use something stronger such as dishwashing soap to shower with.

#3- Try to shower twice/day, morning and evening.

#4- Stop wearing tank tops for now.

By wearing a tank top, your sweat and oil just sits there on your body and isn’t absorbed by anything. A T-shirt is the better route to go here, since at least the fabric will soak up more of the oils/sweat on your body.

#5- Start using pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5).

Pantothenic acid works by increasing the rate of oil breakdown, so not as much oil = not as much acne. 500mg/day is a good starting point for dosing, and once acne begins clearing up I would drop to 250mg/day and carry on for an additional month.

#6- Try to clean up your diet.

While diet is a very small portion of acne issues, it does play some role. I would try eating more whole, natural foods (any food that spoils if not eaten within a few days, and isn’t in an air sealed bag). And I would eliminate dairy products altogether. I can remember a long time ago when I tried the “gallon of milk per day” routine to try to gain mass, my acne got terrible. So I can definitely attest to this myself!!!

#7- Avoid sweating.

This one is difficult because without the gym you’d rather die right? I would suggest avoiding any type of intensity that is going to cause you to sweat excessively. For example, if you normally hit your cardio for a hard 30 minutes, maybe adjust to a slower paced 45 minutes, at least until your skin clears up.

#8- Seek out a dermatologist and be honest with them…sort of.

I would tell them that my acne was caused by a product I purchased from the vitamin store (think of a pro-hormone here) because if you get an asshole who jots down “Patient took 1,000mg/wk of testosterone and has severe acne,” I would be afraid insurance wouldn’t cover it if they looked into it. If you have access to a dermatologist and the financial means/insurance to do so, then definitely DO NOT WAIT. You don’t want permanent scars for the rest of your life because you didn’t address skin issues early on.

#9- Use an exfoliant a few times/week to clear off the outer layer of dead skin.

On top of using your dishwashing liquid soap, it’s not a bad idea to at least use an exfoliant a few times/week to clear off the outer layer so the soaps/products can get down in there deeper. Any cheap exfoliant will work, they all pretty much operate on the same mechanism of providing some sort of gritty base to abrade the skin and clear off the dead cells. Use this on your face as well as shoulders, and if you can get someone to scrub your back, then do that as well.

#10- Use products that promote lower estrogen levels…

…and get your hormones back into normal range (or products that hold estrogen at bay) while on a cycle or EVEN SOME SUPPLEMENT CYCLES!!

As long as hormones stay fucked up, so will acne!!! The trick is to provide a steady hormone ratio the entire time.


Look, have you ever heard the expression: “You gotta pay to play?” Well that’s sort of the case here when it comes to hormones or hormone precursors.

Like any other medication you could put into your body, there can be side effects and something creeping up on the back end that you don’t yet know is coming on!!

It’s part of the game, I’ve been there before myself. I’m someone who had to go to a dermatologist before because of my shoulders and back acne!!

Last edited by F.I.S.T.; 04-09-2017 at 03:27 PM.
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Old 04-09-2017, 03:25 PM
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How to get a perfectly clear face using this 3 step system!!!

This one is strictly from self experimentation lately. But I’m going to give it you straight here, and let me tell you guys that my skin has never looked better on my face before this.

I recently turned 35 years old. Now, I know that doesn’t sound old to a lot of my readers, but let’s face it: this is the age where wrinkles become more apparent and you start showing your age more.

I saw a photo that was taken of myself on my birthday outing that evening and all I could think was: “Man, I’m starting to look older…this shit sucks!!”

So I took some proactive steps to try and prolong the aging process as much as possible, and I think they are working pretty fucking well!!

I have already noticed a major difference and I’ve even had compliments lately on how I’m looking younger.

People have asked me what I’m doing different, and it’s so effective that I almost don’t even want to share this with anyone.

It’s a simple 3 step process that I do twice a day. But before I explain what this is, let me ask you a question. Is your face worth $50 a month? Because that is about the cost of this, including razors.

Before I get into the 3 step process I will tell you that razors have a lot to do with this. If you think your razor is good for one more shave…throw it out and use a new one.

Fresh razors will help avoid razor bumps, ingrown hairs, blemishes, and razor burn. Stop being a cheap ass and start using more razors.

Ok, now onto the 3 step process. You will do this twice a day, morning and evening before bedtime. It’s pretty fucking simple and you’ll see results almost immediately!!

Step #1- Cleanse your face with Olay Age Defying Cleanser first.

Step #2- Apply a generous amount of Baxter of California Herbal Mint Toner to your face. Use a soft cloth or cotton ball and apply it in a circular motion to your face, use a generous amount. Let it dry for a few minutes, it’s not made to be rinsed off. This product helps lift out impurities and has antioxidants and vitamins that protect your skin. THIS PRODUCT HAS MADE A HUGE DIFFERENCE IN MY SKIN TONE!!

Step #3- Use an oil-free antioxidant facial moisturizer.


Treat your neck like your face, use the 3 step system on your neck too.

It’s easier if you are clean shaved (refer back to the fresh razor lecture). When the neck becomes as smooth and as clear as your face, it stands out to people.

So the estimated monthly cost of all this? Probably around $50 (including razors) but it’s well worth it. Think of it as paying $50 a month for confidence.

Everyone sees your face so why WOULDN’T YOU want to take care of it?

Anyways, that’s all for now. I’m interested in hearing anyone’s success stories on what I’ve talked about here.

Until next time, cleanse hard!!

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