DAA during PCT
So as it's been shown, it takes about 12 days for T levels to raise significantly when supplementing with DAA. Does this mean if you plan to use DAA as part of your PCT it should be taken the day after your last pin (in the case of enth) so that come time to start your SERM treatment or HCG then SERM or whatever the case may be the DAA has already built up in your system?
For PCT I'm going to go:
HCG 250 2x a week for 12-16 days
HCG @ 2000iu EoD for 8 shots
After HCG Clomid 100/100/100/50
Nolva 20/20/20/20/20
But now I'm thinking about adding in DAA just to try to hold onto as much as possible and make sure I recover completely. I know I'm only running 500mg teste/wk with Dbol 50mg but I don't want to take any chances. Hopefully I don't get the nasty sides from the Clomid and have to stop it.
Any help would be appreciated.