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bostonpaul 03-05-2010 12:07 AM

Im trying the Axio eq 200 bold
I've used Axio tren and had no complaints at all, the tren-e and the tren ace.

I never used eq until now. I choose it because of its lower side effects and I also like "lean" aas too, like tren but the eq is supposed to be less harsh. I won the Axio eq from GENXXL for writing an artical on "Why steroids should be legal for supervised use for non professional athletes. Something like that.

Although I am a Geneza Labs supporter and harbody1, it is only fair and honest to give Genxxl and Axio their proper due.

Now, let's see what type of results I get. Any special diet tips out there?
My goal is to gain some lean muscle and lose fat, get ripped up a bit.

I'll be happy at around 10% b/f I think ha ha.
Not looking to compete, just want to look great for my age.

Love to try so GH, but lets talk eq/test for now.


Ninja 03-05-2010 08:24 AM

I'm on GP Test E and EQ. going to up the does to 500mg and 400mg respectively a week. so far, I love it, cardio is up, lean and the 'natural' look. but that's what i'm going for anyway ;)

i have to do some research on your EQ 2, but let me know on how it's working for you bro.

bostonpaul 03-06-2010 09:43 PM

Ninja and BP on the EQ
Hey that's great Ninja. Yes EQ is a good choice for your goals.
Lets keep this going on here, you and me and hopefully Robbie can help advise us along the way. Also I invite ALL members to comment or ask's all good.

I just inquired about some EQ-2 at HB too because it will speed up the intitial wait inherent with EQs long udec ester. The EQ-2 has 25mgs ace and 75 mgs prop so I figure to do like 50,50,and 50 Mon, Wednesday, and Friday or something, along with the 500mgs EQ bold I'm doing. Also doing 500mgs test.

I pmd and asked in threads at a very busy forum a while back and guys claim they get the best EQ results at 500 and 600 mgs.
Although if you have not used a lot of aas, 400mgs might be fine...

How much you weight Ninja? :eek:

Ninja 03-07-2010 03:05 AM

yo BP,
I weigh a very hulking, beefcake, supersized....... 150 pounds... HAHAHAHAHA!!!! oh man, and I'll also add that i'm 5'7". and not 3 feet to look like a mini Hulk.

last month i've been doing 300mg of EQ with 350mg of Test E per week. divide that up into 2 shots twice per week. I likey the results. It is perfect for what I'm looking for. I know you hardcore bros are more so looking for a IFBB look/or freaky power strength.

yo BP, I went back to HB1's site, and cant' find the EQ 2? did he take it off? I probably should pm him about it.....

yup, let's keep this thread going. what are your goals BP?

Robbie 03-10-2010 03:53 PM

hi bro's , sorry i think i missed this thread previously :eek:

EQ is best used in doses of 500mg - 600mg EW , you can use 400mg EW if you like but you would really notice that extra 100mg - 200mg , of course it depends on how much you have and how much you can afford !

bostonpaul 03-14-2010 11:19 PM

I agree. I was told this by a few Bros that have done different amounts and they seem to agre that 500 and 600 are sweet spots and that over 600 isnt worth the return.

Ninja 03-15-2010 12:07 AM

yo BP,

how is everything working out for you so far?
more interested in the EQ-2......


shogunn 08-18-2010 01:28 AM

Hey Bostonpaul. I'm also trying the Axio EQ. What was your take on it?

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