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Biogen labs
Who tried Biogen labs products?Post your experience or what you know about this lab,
i asked the same thing bro prices are insane
Prices are great ,but i want to know about the quality cuz it's a first time that i see that lab
Never heard of them, were are these prices??:D
Dam I took a look at the site. Gear looks good and prices are great. I would like to see some reviews too. If ballistics would get on the ball with his list..lol..We could order cheap domestic from him...hint..hint.
awesome prices and good list of blends , very similar to syntrops blends .
You tried Syntrop?any good? |
Well i just got done running their prop and it was smooth and gtg.On another note i was lucky to be choosen to test one of their new blends before it hit the market.I tested the new sustaplex 450.That right there my body had to get use to and once it did it was on point.Never had a problem from syntrop or axio.
Anyone used Biogen Labs?
What they like? Have used GP & Axio and rate them. Biogens prices are very low and im wondering if its because its a new lab and wants to build up a good customer base or because the gear is bunk? Thanks |
Just my opinion. but I got some that was a bit underdosed.I will say that their nolvadex is spot on though:D But I contacted them about my situation and the guy handled my problem very professionally and I would recommend them..they do care about what they put out and you can't beat the prices.
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Biogen review
I've used biogen gear over the last year. Their blend 500 is one of my favorites. Not underdosed at all. I've also used there Deca, EQ, Prop (LOVE IT), and Nolva....all which seemed to do the job just great.
I've used a bunch of QV, Bristish Dragon, IP, GP (just to name a few) over the years. I would compare there products to Genza's gear. It's not quite as powerful as BD or (legit) QV, but it is well worth the money. Hope this helps!! |
thx for feedback bro.
i ordered from them 2 weeks ago waiting for it to arrive i ordered their blend 400(250 teste 150 tren e) .... and i used test e before so i know the side effects, should put on upto 5 pounds of water weight in 2-3 week so i will put up my results also
biogen you used? you had good results? |
Biogen is garabage. I will tell you this because I used there gear once with no gains. I was also tempted by the prices witch led to my order. I received vials of oil and that's it. Do your research and you will find nothing good said about them.
Hb1 had this great rep "brandon" and hb1 offered to give brandon some biogen free and brandon didnt even want it lol...biogen was ripping bros off bad. Every product was the same shade of color... "salad oil yellow"... Here is a hint bros...any sponsor that does not have a working sub forum where customers camn post......well...be careful ...real careful bp |
the X-Tabs they make is Intresting.I would like to try them.
I ordered quite a few times. Very impressed with the fast delivery for the $50 option.
My review... All the orals, I can give decent feedback. The gear is terrible. My friends and myself noticed NO gains in libido or even strength and size. That's what we pay for. For some reason the orals are pretty good. I've had better. But the gear is nothing. Customer service and communication is the best I've ever had. Delivery is superb. Gear, thumbs down. Sorry Biogen, but I wasted a lot of coin. |
Did you ever tried Kalpa Pharmaceuticals lab? They are one of the best in terms of quality, dosage and I like their logo :)
Kalpa is my favorite too and I am not telling you this because I sell it. I have enough choice and enough products to try. Kalpa is beyond everyone else IMHO.
Good quality products is something we all strive for.
I am all for Kalpa Pharmaceutical steroid cycles, finished one not long ago and next one will be KP again. Why? Good quality product and good quality vials, it is a pleasure just to keep them in hands, you feel they were made with love LOL
Kalpa, delivery is second to none! I placed a small order,BOOM came in early! Everyone should try to atleast sample Kalpa,no minimum Order so whats to lose? I have a problem with suppliers who put a $200 or whatever minimun on an order,if im paying for shipping i should beable to buy what i want,if i want to pay $30 bucks for one tab to be sent to me,i should have that opition!IM paying for there trust,they should return the favor! This is why i wil lonly use GBN! Their support is also top notch,Huge Tom is always on point!!! I havent gotten gear this easy since it was still legal back in the early 90s!!!
Biogen vs Sciroxx,Axio,Syntrop
I've have used both.
From Biogen: Primobolan D 100: I liked it,didn't have any issues with it at all worked great.On the bottle is the web site & email address. From Sciroxx: Ultradex 150 : Good for bulking and cutting I use it alot. Hexedex 450 : I've heard good things about this item,starting it in 3wks.i'll keep everyone updated. Axio Labs: Test E,Sus 350,Duraplex 100,Deca,Primo 100,Tren E & A. The product is realy realy great,just one problem.The site I was ordering from took a hit and the lab itself stopped producing,I haven't seen or heard from them for atleast 2yrs.Lost alot of money on that hit live and learn.If anyone has seen axio products please let me know. Syntrop: Primogen 100,Test E,Sus 350. There the same as Axio.No complaints works fine. |
Bio labs and gear
I've used it in the past and just today,it's great stuff at a great price.I'm sure everyone who has used Test D or Primo D knows that your ass hurts for a couple of days,well my ASS HURTS. The product is for real.
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