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tiny 01-07-2011 06:28 PM

Definatley stay away from these guys. They used to supply decent gear but have plummeted. I haven't had anything officially tested but the amount of stuff I'm on from them should be enough to give me crazy sides....NOTHING!!....I've literally been trying to give myself sides! STAY AWAY!!

mth496 01-08-2011 09:30 PM

Glad i have not used them. I had some product from them, but my family threw the shit out when they found it because they dont want me using anything.

mth496 01-08-2011 09:36 PM

Its like they say everything happens for a reason. I was pissed my gear was gone, but now im happy haha.

tiny 01-08-2011 09:47 PM

You're lucky it got thrown out =). Who knows what I've been injecting at this rate

mth496 01-12-2011 07:33 PM

Probley just the oil with nothing in it. Wont do nothing to ya bro. They wont go as far as giving you somthing that would hurt you. Because then they will be shut down and no one will deal with them. But they will give you bunk and then say it was just low dosed along those lines.

This is the problem. What is a killer didnt like bodybuilders, and he made fake shit with poison or whatever in it and it could end up killing abunch of people. This is the problem.

tiny 01-14-2011 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by mth496 (Post 8803)
Probley just the oil with nothing in it. Wont do nothing to ya bro. They wont go as far as giving you somthing that would hurt you. Because then they will be shut down and no one will deal with them. But they will give you bunk and then say it was just low dosed along those lines.

This is the problem. What is a killer didnt like bodybuilders, and he made fake shit with poison or whatever in it and it could end up killing abunch of people. This is the problem.

sadly, there has been many people who have died in the past from injecting dirty gear...

Sman275 05-29-2012 10:06 PM

No Pain and its very very thin. My friend threw away 9 vials of garbage.
What a waste. His tren looked orange.

SkinnyGuy 05-31-2012 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sman275 (Post 22016)
No Pain and its very very thin. My friend threw away 9 vials of garbage.
What a waste. His tren looked orange.

yeah i have heard nothing good about biogen...buuuut biotech has some good stuff my rats been using and definately know that that can give you sides hahah he has the acne to prove it!!!

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