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ricox225 07-04-2015 02:40 AM

test help
I've been on test for about 2 years on and off. I have low test, however I'm thinking about running some gear have to up my test. I break out, very bad breakouts if i take more than 425mg of test every 2 weeks. 300mg every 2 weeks i still break out, but not as bad. As if i were on 400++.
Also wanted to know would HCG, help?? I don't want to be on test for ever..and is there anything else i can do?

andyebs 07-05-2015 11:16 AM

Why have you been on 2 years is this self prescribed or TRT from docs HCG will help with recovery if use it throughout I believe when come off makes things easier but can use once come off
If want to come off why not use some power PCT use HCG EOD and clomid and nolva use for six months the go get bloods done see how it's working

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

realmuscle 07-09-2015 01:06 AM

You can probably run higher test if you knock some of the estrogen down. Is your skin oily? Prone to acne? Do you use any ai while ON Cycle.

new-Jedi 07-09-2015 01:49 AM

AI? What does that do?


Originally Posted by realmuscle (Post 40605)
You can probably run higher test if you knock some of the estrogen down. Is your skin oily? Prone to acne? Do you use any ai while ON Cycle.

andyebs 07-09-2015 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by new-Jedi (Post 40607)
AI? What does that do?

AI -Aromatase inhibitors things like Arimidex & letrozole basically they block the production of estrogen or block the action of estrogen on receptors

SERM-selective estrogen receptor modulators things like tamoxifen(Nolvadex) & clomid these only block the action of eastrogen on receptors

HCG-human chorionic gonadotropin is basically madre from pregnant womans hormones witch helps with producing natural test this does convert to eastrogen quickly so use with anti E

know your PCT will help with recovery and keeping them gains you get from cycle

ricox225 08-12-2015 06:45 AM

yes, very oily skin, very bad break outs..

new-Jedi 08-12-2015 08:07 AM

Wow, I've learned a lot since coming here. Just realized the question I asked.

Anyways, about your acne. I think it's pretty much just like when in pre-teens, teens, with test driving so high, it causes acne.

I found this: Anabolic Steroids and Acne The Science of Acne

These are what I've used when not on cycle. Maybe it will be helpful.
Before cycle, I used Pro-Active. It's time consuming, but for me, it works. Then again, I'd get one or two acne a week before, not a lot. None when using it though. Since I've been on cycle for two weeks, test e, I have gotten a little oily, but I had dry skin to start with. It may equalize. I've only seen two sides, increase in libido and hunger.

I also used to get way less body acne when I was tan. I lived in Florida as a teen, and I never had acne until I moved to a place were tanning only happened in summer. Although that could also be from the ocean. I've heard pools help too.

I read if it's real bad, Accutane. I think you can ask a doctor for it. I'm not sure though.

There are those here that know this way better than I do. :D

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