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h4x0r2986 05-09-2014 09:40 PM

Trenbolone Enanthate in my Fourth Cycle
So I'm in 7 weeks deep on my cycle, with some testosterone @ 500mg/wk, equipoise at 600mg/week, masteron @ 400mg/week, and I front loaded 5 weeks with 50mg/day dianabol... Now week 8 starts tomorrow and I am supposed to add trenbolone enanthate to my cycle for 5 weeks... except I've never tried tren before and am very worried about sides (as I should be)

I think I'm going to start at 80mg/week (yes per week)just to see how I respond to it. I don't want to get into 200mg/week until I know for sure I can handle the sides.

Will I see any sides at 80mg/week, and will I see the tren have any effect at that low a dose? Just curious as I know it is VERY potent. I would rather run at 80mg/week for 5 weeks and up it every cycle if I appreciate the benefits enough over the sides but no need to rush into massive doses which could complicate my life in other aspects overnight ... thoughts?

13uie67 05-09-2014 10:03 PM

200 mgs a week is still considered a very low dose.. i would start with tht bro.. you ll be fine... u have to remember tht the test molecule as well as the tren molecule both graap onto the same resceptor.. so ur going to have to tone down the test in order for the tren to take affect..

h4x0r2986 05-09-2014 10:23 PM

I also don't have any caber on hand or anything to help with Prolactin levels, or any AI's... I don't know about lowering test, I'm enjoying the benefits of test at 500mg/week right now, but I guess I could bring it down to 400, and run 100mg tren per week... I'm not jumping into 200 right now... I need to see how bad the insomnia is, the night sweats, the dreams etc.... I'm sure they intensify with higher doses, but they must also weaken with lower doses so I just want to adjust myself gradually. I can't afford to have insomnia for two weeks. I work a professional job, and it will effect my performance no doubt, and my relationships with people

Cornish_Celt 05-10-2014 04:22 AM

To be honest, if you don't have caber and you're so worried about sides then you shouldn't be starting it.

80mg per week is going to have little or no effect, as said above 200mg per week is considered a low dose and is generally the recommended starting point.

You really do not sound at all confident about using so if I where you I'd leave it for a later date

13uie67 05-10-2014 08:52 AM

please listen to this guy cornish celt... this dude knows his shit when it comes to using gear bro... and he is so very right if ur worried about all this other stuff u should not dive into it... :):)

h4x0r2986 05-10-2014 08:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
thanks guys for your support, i think its the right decision to wait until i get some acetate, and try it when i have everything i need for it... so here's my current cycle in a nice clean format

13uie67 05-10-2014 08:11 PM

tht looks like a good cycle.. hope u get to your goals.. :) fyi.. even doing the acetate the recommend dose is 300 mgs a week.. and once again ur going to have to lower the test mgs in order to see the tren results..

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