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erich1b 03-30-2014 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by toon22 (Post 34574)
Thank you for your service. I got out in 12, 0311. Nice to know there's some marines here for guidance. No need to answer if you don't want to but east or west coast, west for me

You're getting advice from ex-Army here, but don't hold it against me. I'm old, I served in the early 80's.

Now I work for the VA Hospital.

toon22 03-30-2014 05:27 PM

Sweet! Maybe now I can get a hold of someone at the v.a. lol where I live I can never get through

paige 03-30-2014 06:22 PM

1/5 make peace or die!

toon22 03-30-2014 06:43 PM

Quite the gathering. Possible new group? Possible discount?!? Lol

paige 03-30-2014 07:01 PM

You ever find out about the lottery on gbn? I can't find the forum it was on.

toon22 03-30-2014 07:19 PM

not yet
No reply from anyone yet, sorry

LetsGetSwole 06-01-2015 10:18 PM

Semper Fi, D. Dogs we r here! E. Coast

h4x0r2986 06-24-2015 11:40 PM

has anyone ever tried a super low dose of tren e, like 100mg/week? I'm thinking about adding it to my cycle, but want to start off SUPER slow... and don't tell me that if im not going to take 300mg per week its pointless.... I'd rather weigh the benefits vs the sides myself than take so much i lose my job or my mind!! lol

stillgoingstron 06-25-2015 01:34 PM

I doubt that it will be pointless. It is 5 x as androgenic and anabolic as test. I suppose it really depends what you stack with it and your reason for starting so low. As long as you have a reasonable idea what sides to expect and what your expectations for taking that dose are then the only real judge of whether or not it is worth it is yourself.

There is obviously a point at which too low a dose is pointless but that's more to do with merely replacing your own endogenous test levels with a similar exogenous replacement. If you were taking 100mg tren EW and nothing else then I'd say don't do it. Any risk would far outweigh the reward.

Don't ever be persuaded to take more than you feel comfortable with.

h4x0r2986 07-02-2015 10:02 PM

No I dont plan on taking it alone, I plan on taking it with a dbol test masteron cycle, that will end with anavar, and winny..... I'm thinking to take it for 4 weeks between the periods of when I'll be on dbol. Might even just inject for 1 week, and just wait to see if I get any bad sides... no need to walk down a road, that could lead to restless nights of insomnia

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