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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2013, 12:41 AM
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Default Topsy's first cycle log

Hello fellow enthusiasts! As some may know this is my first cycle but have always (since high school) lifted, taken supplements etc. I am in my third week but will go back to week 1 and even pre-cycle to the end to offer some info and newbie experiences for the next guy looking into AAS.

•Pre cycle- I have known of a couple of friends and a cousin who have cycled AAS before and have had nothing but good things to say about it. A couple years ago my cousin did his first cycle, a Sustanon cycle, (ironically against my opinion) and gained 18 lbs. I remember a guy on the football team who was also in powerlifting that used (or at least was the rumor) "Dbol". You know they taught us in high school, you know those informative classes, that steroids were bad. Steroids cause heart disease, steroids cause liver problems, steroids cause this, steroids cause that,we have all heard it. But there was never any hard evidence. They never showed us one real person who had these problems and was directly the cause of anabolic steroids. Never. These memories and a run in with a former teammate at the gym are what lead me to my purchase of Testosterone.

After about a week of hardcore research I knew what my first cycle should and would be. Testosterone Cypionate 500 mg/week for no less than 8 weeks. This was the most recommended cycle for the beginner almost everywhere I looked. With that in mind I got back in touch with my former teammate that I had seen at the gym to see where I could come across this stuff. All he would say was "online", "on the Internet", and "online". That's all I could get out of him. No URL no nothing. I remembered in my week of extensive research getting directed to I remembered all of the useful and non biased information I had gathered from this site and remembered looking at the sponsors and seeing nothing but good things about So that's the source I went with. Not KNOWING for myself 100% if this is a reliable place or not I created a ticket, asked a few questions, and just had the feeling that this is a trustworthy place. My choice was 4x5ml vials of Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/ml manufactured by Gen-Shi Labs along with syringes. Okay I've placed the order, got a tracking number a couple days later and waited a total of 17 days for my order to arrive.

Week 1- "it's here!". My first week couldn't have started any better. I received my package on a Monday, which coincided with my advised dosing schedule (1 ml on Monday and 1 ml on Thursday). I've done my research on injection techniques / methods but can't seem to shake this nervous unwillingness to inject something that I have ordered off the Internet not KNOWING who made it, what it's made of, where in the hell it really came from, and who all has touched it. I can't back out now, I've read nothing but positive feedback about Gen-Shi labs their stuff is legit, just do it. So I did it. I swabbed the top of the vial, introduced air into the syringe to purge into the vial, drew the Test into the syringe, changed needles, swabbed my skin, did everything to the T that I have read to do. And sunk that bitch into my quadriceps. Hells yeah, I did it! Simple. Mind over matter, and no I didn't drop dead 30 seconds later.

•Day 2. All the stress is gone because I am still alive but I feel better. Like not fatigued like I have been feeling for the past year or so. From what I understand this doesn't really peak until a week or two after the first injection. But may be all in my head. Lets hit the gym, lets weigh and starting today not miss more than 1 day a week at the gym.

Week 1 weight: 204
Week 2 weight: 209 (water retention I assume)
Week 3 end weight: 215 and I am definitely stronger and am noticing small gains in the mirror. 11 lbs in 3 weeks. Is what ive gained so far. I'm gonna say at least 3lbs is water weight.

Last edited by Topsy_Krets; 03-28-2013 at 02:57 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2013, 12:50 AM
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BTW I'm eating as much chicken and tuna as possible, drinking about a gallon of water a day, haven't touched fast food since start of cycle and am drinking 3 GNC 100% whey protein shakes a day.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2013, 03:36 AM
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Red face The Shakes

It will take quite awhile for the nervous edge to go away... Unless your a dr. or nurse or some shit.. But for the most part theres nothing to be nervous about. If your getting alot of bubbles in your dart let it sit overnight with the bubbles heading up. I always thought if you had even a tiny bit of air your brain would explode ! lmfao! Its a myth... although its not a good habit a healthy adult can withstand some air...just try and make sure it doesnt happen. as far as the worrying about the oil you got off the internet dont be nervous. its very rare to have anything bad in oils.. most of the time if its a bad source it will just be underdosed .. Just bust your ass in the gym eat clean and rest well and watch your body morph !
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2013, 04:01 AM
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I'm comfortable now but I will admit the first one I was shaking in my pants. Even the second was scary.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2013, 10:21 PM
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Default Update

Hey guys just an update on my progress. I went back to work today after a week and a half off and a few people said they could see gains in my chest and arms. I notice every time I hit a muscle group at the gym that I have more reps in me with heavier weight. Today is the beginning of my 4th week. Started taking Aromaxyl (Kalpa Pharm) today at 12.5mg. Will continue this dose on a daily basis until my minor bloat goes away. No itchy/sore nips though so thats a good sign.

Yesterday (end of week 3) weighing 215 benching with dumbbells as follows: 65lbs 10x, 70lbs 8x, 75 lbs 8x, and lastly 85lbs 8x.

Beginning of cycle I was 204lbs and benching with dumbbells as follows: 50lbs x10, 55lbs x8, 55lbs x8 and attempted 60lbs x6 not always with success.

Triceps kickbacks and push downs are where ive noticed a huge increase in strength. My triceps are loving the juice.

Triceps kickbacks yesterday: 15lbs x 15, 20 lbs x8, 25lbs x6(the last couple were ugly but I counted them anyways)

3 weeks ago: 15lbs x10, 15lbs x8, 20lbs x6(struggle)

Triceps push downs (cable & rope): I've gone up at least 30 lbs on each set over the past 4 weeks. I don't remember the weight I was using. I know I shouldve wrote it down.

**This is all relatively light weight but I make sure my form is perfect on every set even if it means going down in weight**. -example-: on my triceps kickbacks my back is always parallel to the bench, my arm runs perfectly parallel to my back, and arm straight out at the last part of the exercise. I like to give my wrist about a 45 degree counter clockwise flick at the full extension of the kickback (kind of like the 90 degree turn of wrists performed while using dumbbells on the flat bench for bench press) I know you guys do that one. It really is felt in the tricep if done properly.

I hate to see guys in the gym throwing weight around like its nothing but their form is sloppy at best. I understand this is how a lot of guys train but I get better results by better posture.

Anyways that is my update. Please feel free to critique me in any way or offer information or advice.


Last edited by Topsy_Krets; 03-25-2013 at 10:29 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2013, 10:30 PM
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On the tricep flick, it's counter clockwise for the right wrist and clockwise for the left. Sorry if I confused anyone.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2013, 06:24 AM
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Nice log, will be following this one
Keep it up bro

Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2013, 07:15 PM
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Hells yeah thanks for the encouragement. Starting today after every workout I will post exercises performed, lbs(sorry metric people), sets and reps. That way if you bigger bros see something in my routine I can improve on or change you can let me know. If the office is opened today I will also get a BMI %.
Hypermuscles.Com do not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment purposes only.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2013, 10:34 PM
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Just got back from the gym. I hit the back and bi's. I went light on the back. They are mostly conventional but here's the data.

Seated Lat Rows: 105 x10
120 x8
135 x8
150 x6

Seated Lat Pulldowns: 105 x10
120 x8
135 x8
150 x6 (last 2 were ugly)

Kneeling Dumbbell Rows: 40 x10
50 x8
60 x8
70 x6

All were performed with good posture, except my very last Lat exercise. I will blame that on the gyms equipment (15lb increments). If I could've just jumped 5 or 10 that would have been a great set. P.S. I NEVER exercise any muscle to failure nor do I "max out". If you want to know why just ask.

Standing Dumbbell Curls (straight back through sets!): 25 x10
30 x8
35 x8
40 x6 (nice last set!)

Superman Curls: 50 x10
60 x8
70 x8
80 x6 (last 2 were UGLY!)

Preacher Curls (bar weight NOT included): 40 x10
50 x8
60 x8
70 x5 (would've failed on #6)
My own little biceps work out I
created. Will name & explain later: 30x10 drop set to 20x20. Did this 3x.

Notes: I noticed a good strength gain during preacher curls and standing dumbbell curls. The past 2 times I've done superman curls I haven't noticed any strength gains for that particular exercise. I'm not sure why. Will do some research.

Lastly, I went ahead and threw my traps into today's mix.
Here's the data.

Dumbbell Shrugs: 60 x10
65 x10
80 x8
85 x6

Notes: I should've went heavier on the shrugs. I've noticed a huge strength gain in my Trapezius muscles since they have been re-activated.

Well guys this is it on my log for today. I would really appreciate some type of feedback be it negative or positive. The few guys I work out with, myself included, are in no way experts and kind of do our own routine so I really have no one to critique me. Well sometimes my buddy Bigler will call me a puss and say that I can't get that weight just to tick me off. Doesn't work.

Hypermuscles.Com do not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment purposes only.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2013, 08:15 PM
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Weighed on the scale at work today (it's calibrated) and it said I weigh 219.2. 15 lbs gained in a little over 3 weeks. Sounds completely impossible to me. I can't believe it! Welp. Off to the gym!
Hypermuscles.Com do not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment purposes only.
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