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jordan0689 05-16-2011 11:27 AM

test e cycle first ever jab cycle
This is my proposed cycle what do you guys reckon?
This is my proposed cycle in around 10-11 weeks. First ever jab cycle I have done a dbol only cycle previously.
Dbol Kickstart Test-Cycle
Dbol 40mg ed week 1-4
Test E- 500mg once a week 1-8(8.weeks of test)
Pct 10-14 days after last jab

Day1 60mg nolva
Day2-11 40mg ed
Day12-21 20mg ed

Day1 100mg Comid
Day2-21 5.

jordan0689 05-17-2011 07:08 AM

Am I good to go?

Cornish_Celt 05-17-2011 07:17 AM

Sorry mate didn't see this one!
Yes it looks fine,
Why did you choose that PCT?

Personally I would do it this way:
2 weeks after last injection
Days 1 - 7 = 100mg clomid/20mg Nolva
Days 8 - 21 = 50mg Clomid/20mg Nolva
Days 8 - 21 = 50mg Clomid/20mg Nolva
Days 22 - 28 = 20mg Nolva

Are you going to have Nolva close by just in case?

jordan0689 05-17-2011 09:45 AM

Its one of the better ones I came across but yours looks pretty goods so ill take it ha. And yes I am mate. Don't want to be grwoing tits lol

joboco 05-17-2011 11:21 AM

Looks like a good cycle and PCT, but what about HCG, and an AI.

Robbie 05-17-2011 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by joboco (Post 12486)
Looks like a good cycle and PCT, but what about HCG, and an AI.

He doesnt need HCG or a AI with that cycle , as long as he has nolva on hand and a good PCT he will be fine !

Nice PCT advice CC :)

joboco 05-17-2011 03:08 PM

OK, then I guess he is g2g.

Would you still advice that for someone who is worried about gyno, say from past experience with nipple soreness/itching/lumps.

Just curious.

jordan0689 05-18-2011 06:09 AM

Cheers guys. I would like to know everyones opinion on age, as I'm 21 there is a lot of controversy to what age you should be to start.

Cornish_Celt 05-18-2011 08:06 AM

I already know how old you are, My opinion is that 21 is the youngest that you should start using gear preferably a few years older with a decent amount of training under your belt

jordan0689 05-18-2011 09:07 AM

Ok cc. I feel like my training has been fairly decent over the last 2 years the first 2 was a bit clueless tbh. Awesome training in the last. 6 months or so

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