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subhash1984 11-20-2014 11:40 AM

Thank you very very much Crew and Cornish_Celt brothers...and who all are gave the information

I like to ask with you bro....You both said slin in my next is not safe i agree with you and thank you for the information.So what about the other roids are correct or what? and what about the HGH..With your opinion it is not perfect then what are the changes i have to do in my cycle. Please tell me

Crew38 11-22-2014 06:58 PM

Your cycle is good other than slin. I would hit dbol at 60mg a day but the rest looks good.

subhash1984 11-24-2014 01:40 PM

Thank you very much Crew brother..

Last two times i used Test E, so this time i am planning to use sustanon,which one is the perfect...

Sustanon 250mg or Test E + Deca 250mg on monday

Sustanon 250mg or Test E on wednesday

Sustanon 250mg or Test E + Deca 250mg on friday, this way i am planning with sustanon is it ok? or i have to do any changes?

And brother you done a change in D-bol i want to know,if i use 60mg of D-bol per day No problems right.....

First time with HGH,what is the right way to use HGH, and 4 IU's is perfect or should i increase to 5 IU's....Once again thank you very much bro..

andyebs 11-25-2014 02:53 PM

fuck slin would scare me ive hear can slip into glycomic coma if dont do things right i forget to take tabs when on orals this aint for me supprised by the HGH on fourth cycle aswell
how did you find your prev cycles did you gain like you wanted what was doses
id be thinking tren before slin and HGH even that on fourth cycles bit of rush
good luck let us know how get on

subhash1984 12-09-2014 01:27 PM

i want to hear from all the experience users about my cycle...

Crew38 12-12-2014 11:31 AM

4 ius every day to start is good to see how your body reacts. 6-10 is around the spot I'd stay.
I just hope you have researched the crap out of all this stuff.

Are you going to compete

Crew38 12-12-2014 11:33 AM

How much do you weight. How long is your cycle for.

erich1b 12-17-2014 01:02 AM

I agree with Crew. Personally, I've run slin a few times. I never went above 7 iu's. You'll also want to drink around 100 grams of carbs right after you inject, and have carbs on hand if you start to feel side effects from the slin - dizzy, nauseous, sweaty, shaky, etc.

Here's an example of a carb drink -
Evogen GlycoJect at Lowest Prices for GlycoJect

For my goals, slin isn't something that I'd use again, but wanted to try it and see what it's about. I did get some good gains, but who's to say how much of that was directly from the slin vs. my other gear?

One thins for sure, slin isn't something to take lightly. You can end up dead rea,l quick if you're not very careful.


Originally Posted by Crew38 (Post 39158)
4 ius every day to start is good to see how your body reacts. 6-10 is around the spot I'd stay.
I just hope you have researched the crap out of all this stuff.

Are you going to compete

subhash1984 12-24-2014 07:58 AM

Thank you very very much Bro Crew38 and erich1.....After so many days actually i went for a vacation of my friends marriage..........

Yes brother Crew im planning to compete...My body weight is 205 lbs

and i am planning to do this cycle for 16 weeks

Sustanon 750mg for 16 weeks

Deca 500mg for 14 weeks

Dbol weeks 1-4 40mg

Sustanon 250mg or Test E + Deca 250mg on monday

Sustanon 250mg or Test E on wednesday

Sustanon 250mg or Test E + Deca 250mg on friday

After two weeks of sustanon shot pct starts

Clomid,Nolvadex and HCG......

After your valuable suggestions i am planning to quit the Slin in this cycle...i will use HGH only. HGH for 20 to 24 weeks..

Now tell me is it perfect?.....Thank you very much once again

Crew38 12-26-2014 06:02 PM

Me personally I run deca high around 800 -900 range I run a test 500 at 1000. It's based like sus. I will switch to eq after deca and transition into a stack 500 it has tren e two test esters and mas. Team it up with tri tren. I don't mess with many orals any more I may add primo oral. Orals make me lose my appetite after a week.

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