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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2015, 12:36 PM
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Default Test Cyp + ortrexyl (oral tren)+ Thyroxyl (T3)

First off I'm 6'4 275lb age 27. Approx 6th cycle, done most of mine in earlyer years when I was playing college football. I'm now playing semi pro and want the raw power I had in college! My main experience is with test E and deca. So other than the test and provimed this is a new level of gear for me.
Main reason for this post is to give my insight and progress of my experience on the gear I have. I'll report sides pros con ect. So anyone on wondering how they made a person feel and train can have some background.
I have kalpa pharmaceutical - Test Cyp, ortrexyl (oral tren), and thyroxyl (t3).
Balkan pharm I have provimed
I have -clomid, novaxyl, and aromaxyl for pct and other "just incases"

I'm currently on my second week.
-- Test Cyp 750 weekly
--- ortrexyl 750 mcg daily ( I was at 500mcg last week but felt very little and decided to bump it an extra 250. honestly felt the power of tren yesterday day after adding the extra!)
---thyroxyl 750 mcg daily( once again I ran more to feel it!)
I start at the recommended dose and moved up just enough to tell I increased. Did this so I can tell how at a lower "recommended dose" will effect me. I gave it a week to allow the gear to hit my system then decided to push it some more.

Provimed 100mg daily

I'm sure several people are wondering why t3 and provimed?
T3 because I want to loose a little extra fat, and tren suppresses the hormone production.
Provimed because I have always used it in college and it's what I know. Main honest purpose I use it is to keep testicles from shrinking so much and to help keep sex drive mega High! Which test does the libido on its own but this item keeps your natural test flowing. But this gear also gives a nice firmNess to your structure as well.

since I have upped the dose on t3 and the OT I can tell my body temp is higher as I sweat a little more through the day, and at night when my alarm goes off for my midnight meal I'm sweating. Not as bad as I have heard from others. Agression is up a little bit but is totally controlAble. I shit all the time not sure if it's the t3 or the tren but my track is always on the move and not in a oh fuck this hurts but a nice easy flow. I do get spaced out time to time through the day as well. But so far nothing major

Now for what everyone who has read this far is wanting to know. And yes OT is the fucking bomb!!! I did back and bis yesterday and holly shit I was unstoppable in the gym! I would do a 3 set in preacher curles move to a back work oUT and come back to the curls and could sling more weight Not less! I honestly didn't get tired in the gym and only left because my girl had 3 chicken breast waiting on me after 1 and half hour in the gym. My arms are already tighter and my shoulder which are my favorite group are much broader! And my viens in my for arms are already holding a solid pump while in rest!

I will be getting my blood work done next week and will post my results for test, estrogen , liver and blood count.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2015, 05:19 PM
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Always good to read a log. Will be following with interest.

Just one query. While l accept that proviron on its own 'might' not suppress your natural testosterone production I don't see that it will stop the test and the tren doing exactly that!

If anyone else knows better l stand to be corrected.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2015, 05:43 PM
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I think k you may have miss understood the provimed is to keep your natural test from being supressed. It help to keep up natural test productions.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2015, 05:49 PM
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Proviron when taken in-conjunction with test actually increases the effects of the test which is a bonus!

Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2015, 06:02 PM
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I think I must be misunderstanding. Test and tren will at some point stop your natural test production. That to my knowledge is unavoidable.

The bit l must be misunderstanding is which natural test production (assuming the test and tren will stop it) will the proviron keep going.

I'm not having a dig, honestly. If you've got a way of keeping my natural test flowing while I take test and tren then I'm very interested. It's just that nothing I've ever read suggests that it's possible.

I'm aware that adding proviron means more free test available and therefore adds to tests effects.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2015, 06:44 PM
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So I was obviously miss informed after some research so if you could explain the difference in free flowing vs not free test?
I have just always felt I don't have shrinkage while using it
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2015, 10:59 PM
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I’m no expert, so this is just my understanding . . .

Proviron binds extremely well to SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin), the hormone responsible for reducing free testosterone circulating in the body. Better than most other AAS, it seems.

This is good because testosterone bound to SHBG is not 'free testosterone'. It's been taken out of circulation and utilized and is therefore not available for muscle building purposes. Proviron added to a test cycle will bind to and saturate the SHBG, effectively preventing the SHBG from stealing this testosterone, which in turn increases the amount of 'free' testosterone available for muscle building, without merely adding more testosterone. There will be a limit to how much testosterone you can add before you saturate your receptors anyway.

Proviron also reduces the ability of estrogen to bind to estrogen receptors, therefore preventing problems caused by estrogen build up, such as gyno and water retention. This beneficial anti estrogen effect seems to have been superseded by the use of anti estrogens such as Aromasin and arimidex etc.

To get back to my point about natural test production . . .

The exogenous use of testosterone or tren or whatever other AAS you use is going to halt your own endogenous natural test production, whether gradually or immediately. I understand that using proviron on its own might not halt natural test production to the same extent, but I don’t see how adding it can do anything to prevent this inevitable cessation caused by using exogenous test or tren from happening. Proviron just doesn’t have the mechanism to do that.

Sorry, mate, I wasn’t trying to make a big issue of it. In a way I was half hoping someone knew a way to keep natural test production going while on AAS that I didn’t know about.

Last edited by stillgoingstron; 03-17-2015 at 11:13 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2015, 12:04 AM
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Originally Posted by stillgoingstron View Post

Sorry, mate, I wasn’t trying to make a big issue of it. In a way I was half hoping someone knew a way to keep natural test production going while on AAS that I didn’t know about.

Haha its all good man isn't that what this is for? Us all out here learning and gathering knowledge to guide one another.
Besides I was mistake and nothing wrong with being wrong.
But on anothere note, from what I'm seeing there isn't anything wrong with the combination of drugs that I'm mixing and in fact play well off one another. My girl works in the medical field and once I explained why I'm doing each drug as I am and the purpose they serve it was like an atomic bomb went off in her brain cause she never thought of using all the things together like we do. Like t3 due to tren supressing the hormone and the fact that t3 helps protein synthesis. the science behind it all and the right attitude will drive it all!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2015, 09:00 AM
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Exactly. I've learned loads from this forum and if I don't know something I ask.

Your cycle looks good to me. My cycles are and will continue to be low test and reasonable tren for now on. Get great results.

I personally take 1 caber EW when running the tren and ¼ tab ED Aromasin throughout my cycle to avoid the raised prolactin levels that tren can cause and to keep estrogen levels low. Works well for me. Though I understand why you'd use T3 for the same effect.

I can also see the benefit of T3 in a cycle, though I'm too worried about screwing my thyroid forever to do the same.

Be interesting to see how you feel about pinning so much when you reach the end of your cycle. To be honest, it does me in eventually.

Good luck. I'm sure you'll be more than pleased with the results.

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2015, 04:16 PM
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So today one of the sides I really don't understand, came up on me and it's the drowsiness from the oral tren? How and why does it make you drowsy through the day and I'm on t3 plenty of sleep too. But when I hit the gym all hell breaks loose?
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