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bostonpaul 04-13-2010 03:40 PM

Weight up to 196-197 every day now.

Going to do legs shortly.

Robbie 04-13-2010 04:03 PM

Still reading :)

Nice log bro keep it up !

I really need to get off my arse and update my own log lol !

bostonpaul 04-18-2010 04:48 PM

Test cycle
Thanks Robbie.

I hit 199lbs the other day, going to weigh in today again.

I have NEVER broken 200lbs! I was up to 199 last time lol and the cycle ended.

Having a hard time with this belly though. I'll wait till the last 30 days and then hit the t-3/clen. Going to try the MHN soon. Sounds really nice.

Oh, forgot to mention........added in some Deca at 350mgs a week.

Need some more size is why and I respond well to Deca.

I'm not going high with it because I feel I have enough on my plate already.

Be great to level out at 200lbs after cycle, but we'll see what happens. I find its more important what you look like that what you weigh.

Robbie, notice the thread title?

Robbie 05-07-2010 05:56 PM

Sus 270 + EQ + Prop

what you actually running now then lol

ive just got 25 tabs of cyx3 and 50 T3 and 100 40mcg clen tabs , im going to run them alongside 100mg Npp EOD and 500mg Test Enath EW for 6 weeks , how would you suggest i take the cyx3 , T3 , clen ?

bostonpaul 05-08-2010 04:37 PM

clen cycle,t-3 cycle,cyx3 cycle

Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 3230)
Sus 270 + EQ + Prop

what you actually running now then lol

ive just got 25 tabs of cyx3 and 50 T3 and 100 40mcg clen tabs , im going to run them alongside 100mg Npp EOD and 500mg Test Enath EW for 6 weeks , how would you suggest i take the cyx3 , T3 , clen ?

Wow, Robbie,
There are so many ways to answer this question.
The thing about the cyx3 is that the clen portion is not as effective after the first 3 weeks. (some claim two weeks)

So I would say like do it this:

1) Run the CyX3 alone for two-three weeks.

2) After the above, do T-3 solo for two weeks

(I belive you can shorten the clen off period from two weeks to one week by using a dose of Benadryl about 36 hours after your last dose of clen and do this for three consecutive nights before bed. This clears the receptors of clen. But this is only my theory)

3) At the end of two weeks, or one week with the Benadryl treatment, continue (start taking again)
clen/T-3 cycle for two more weeks.

At the end of this time decide whether you wish to continue by taking another clen break and so on.


bostonpaul 05-18-2010 02:29 PM

Manufacturer: LaborMed Pharma, Romania
Pharmaceutical name: Ketotifen
Pack: 20 tabs (1mg/tab)

Ketotifen and Clen
Clenbuterol is a beta 2 agonist which has a limited anabolic effect during its first few days of use and afterward is normally used to fight fat. At higher doses, however, it can be catabolic to muscle and it must be cycled on a 2 week on, 2 week of basis or the beta 2 receptors that clen binds to become saturated and down regulate.

Ketotifen’s magic is that it upregulates the beta-receptors including the beta 2s that clen uses. As long as you are taking ketotifen, it will continue to clean these receptors, never allowing them to downregulate – even while on a heavy clen cycle. That means you can continue to take clen indefinitely without having to cycle off to regenerate the receptors. 2-3mg ED can upregulate even severely shut down receptors within a week.

It also means that you don’t need as much clen to get the same benefits. It seems u can take about 30-40% less clen and it be equally effective. FONZ posted that it also increases the number of receptor sites on the surface of the cell, allowing more clen to attach and perhaps this is the reason for the increased efficacy. Ketotifen also seems to lessen the sides of clen including the jitters.

bostonpaul 05-18-2010 02:37 PM

Test Bump
Sorry we got off topic:

Well, lesson learned, do not attempt to lose fat while getting huge!

Maybe some more experienced Bros can do it, but for me I think I caused a tug of war in my body. I can grow big, or I can lose fat, but not both at once it seems. For me, the diet need to put on size, does not support fat loss.

I am using T-3 right now and my goals are now to try keeping what I have, maybe adding a little, while stripping fat away.

The T-3 should help. I'm bumping the test up to a 800-1,000mgs to make sure the T-3 doesn't Rob me of muscle. I am going to load up big time on protein and include some whole grain. Fat is still low.
If anyone thinks I can do this better PLEASE give your advice.
Remember, current goal, keep what I have, maybe add 2-5 lbs muscle too by end of June while stripping of some fat around the mid section.


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