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Vinny 08-24-2012 08:52 AM

Sounds like a brilliant cycle. 13lbs of fat? Wow. That's amazing progress mate.

mth496 08-29-2012 01:45 AM

Thanks vinny. It is going really well, the combo of the T3 and Tren is one of my favorites now.

mth496 08-30-2012 03:58 AM

Soreness - No soreness after the first week its been nothing at all to even mention.
Injections - No pip. But i injected the last 2 times, i could smell it, as if i had it in my nose, strange feeling, maybe due to slowly pulling the pin out.

Gain in strentgh. 5Im Gains have pretty much been the same, but week 6 i will train with heavier weights, i have not yet due to the first weeks drastic gains, i do not want to hurt my tendons, or have muscles tears.

Gain in weight. Still leaning out, but not gains, i feel like if i lost more fat, but gained more muscle. I will have to get my body fat checked to no exactly.

Weight loss sitting at 15lbs in total of fat/water.
Side effects, they have deminished alot, everything but the swets are bad, but other then that nothing else. I guess i could mention the vivid crazy dreams but that dont bother me lol, its actually nice to have them crazy dreams, entertaining if ya ask me. I will post a story about the one i had last night.

curling 200lbs with a bar.
Squats 300lbs.
Deadlifts are at 600lbs.

mth496 08-30-2012 03:59 AM

Also in the GBN sponsor section i posted pics of the gear im using, parts of it. Check it out.

mth496 08-31-2012 09:17 PM

So i hit my back today. Dame what a workout. I think today i could of went up with gains on my deadlift, next friday i will see how much more i can take. But today after hitting my traps, the were swollen, got a huge pump in them and they are bigger then they have ever been. I got a extra 2 sets in for them.

i am thinking about maybe upping the dose of the tren and test but i dont no if i should sense everythings been fine. Any thoughts?

Vinny 08-31-2012 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by mth496 (Post 23364)
Also in the GBN sponsor section i posted pics of the gear im using, parts of it. Check it out.

Sponsor section?


Originally Posted by mth496 (Post 23425)
So i hit my back today. Dame what a workout. I think today i could of went up with gains on my deadlift, next friday i will see how much more i can take. But today after hitting my traps, the were swollen, got a huge pump in them and they are bigger then they have ever been. I got a extra 2 sets in for them.

i am thinking about maybe upping the dose of the tren and test but i dont no if i should sense everythings been fine. Any thoughts?

If you are ok, I'd stay as you are. The temptation is to change things when the going is good. I've been guilty of that in the past. Consistency is the key I think mate.

mth496 09-01-2012 07:15 PM

Yea i just want the gains to keep coming. I think i will no this coming week, i been watching myself go up in weights because i do not want to tear anything and get hurt, but this week i will test myself.

I got pics to show everyone the good cut results. That are happening only about 4 weeks in.

Vinny 09-01-2012 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by mth496 (Post 23449)
Yea i just want the gains to keep coming. I think i will no this coming week, i been watching myself go up in weights because i do not want to tear anything and get hurt, but this week i will test myself.

I got pics to show everyone the good cut results. That are happening only about 4 weeks in.

Awesome. Can't wait to see 'em!

mth496 09-04-2012 06:26 PM

So today, for breakfast i was feeling real hungry. So i had a large Steak, along with 12 egg whites and 4 yolks. Dame did it hit the spot, i call that my cheat meal, not so much a cheat but somthing that is real satisfying. The mix of egg yolk and steak is amazing. The whites just fill you up. So high protein, low carb, low fat.

Hitting the gym in a few minutes and will update you on the gains i make today. Going to test my power today, see what kind of gains i made.

Barman 09-04-2012 06:28 PM

good luck bro how much u weighting in now?

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