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My Steroid log. Clen/T3/Test/Tren Pictures Added.
Week 1-12 Test Enanthate 750mg
Week 1-10 Tren Enanthate 500mg T3 Day 1-2: none Day 3-6: 25mcg Day 7-10: 50mcg Day 11-13: 75mcg Day 14-17: 100mcg Day 18-21: 125mcg Day 22-25: 100mcg Day 26-29: 75mcg Day 30-33: 50mcg Day 34-37: 25mcg Day 38-45: 12.5mcg Clen Day 1-3 40mcg Day 4-9 80mcg Day10-15 60mcg Day15 - 21 40mcg Post my diet up tomorow. Will also post my workout routine and Stats. I am hopeing to loose around 5% body fat and Get lean. My diet is most important i will be running high, protein, medium to low carbs and low fat. |
Meal 1 - 1 cup oatmeal. 6 egg whites. Meal 2 - 1/2 cup brown rice, 5 ounces chicken, Veggies. Meal 3 - Protein Shake and 2 Rice Cakes With Peanut Butter spread. Meal 4 - 1/2 Sweet Potato, 5 Ounce Steak, Veggies. Meal 5 - 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 8 Ounce Haddock and Veggies. Meal 6 - Large leafy Salad, 5 Ounce chicken, Veggies. My Meal start at 5am and end at 8pm. 3hrs between each meal. In bed at 9pm. Will post Cardio and Workout Routine. This is my cutter, and diet will change if needed. While on T3 i never really need to change it, as it helps the fat to keep coming off very well. |
Workout Routine. 4 day split.
Monday - Chest/Biceps Incline Bench Press: 1x20 (warm-up/pre-exhaust), 3x8 Incline DB Press: 3x8 Incline DB Flyes: 2x10 Flat DB Flyes: 2x10 Flat DB Bench: 3x8 Barbell Curls: 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6, 1x4 Seated Incline DB Curls: 2x8 Single Arm DB Preacher Curls: 2x10 Tuesday - Quads/Hams/Calves Barbell Squats: 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 2x6 Leg Extension/Leg Press Supersets: 3x12/8 Stiff Legged Deadlifts: 1x12, 1x10, 3x8 Hamstring Curls: 3x8 Standing Calve Raises: 3x8/12 Dropsets Wednesday - Rest (Light Cardio/Abs at most) Thursday - Delts/Triceps Military Press: 1x12, 3x8 Seated DB Press: 3x6 DB Lat Raise/Front Raise Supersets: 2x10/10 Skullcrushers: 1x12, 3x8 Rope Pressdowns: 3x8 Straight Bar Pulldowns: 2x12 Friday - Back/Traps Deadlifts: 1x10, 1x8, 3x6 Barbbell Row: 1x10, 1x8, 1x6 Low Cable Row: 2x8 Wide Grip Pulldowns: 2x10 DB Shrugs: 1x12, 1x10, 3x8 Satuday & Sunday - Rest |
So far this is going great.
I lost 4lbs so far week 1. My diet is was the same everyday this week. Today is the end of Day 7. From here on i will update just about every day, to help keep me motivated. I have no need to run anything with the steroids, as the clen and t3 are taking care of any water problems. Im feeling dry, have had no problems with the clen this time around drinking 4 gallons of water a day. The Test E has not kicked in yet, but i can tell i am on it, along with the Tren i can already see visible results in the mirror. Appetite. My Appetite has been up and down. One day i like to eat, but then the next its like a pain in the ass to even open my mouth. I figure this is from Tren and T3 because i noticed this in other cycles i have ran with t3 and tren, i lose my appetite. But so far so good. Side effects, have been appetite and slowly starting to lose sleep and wakeing up sweting quite a bit from the Tren, but nothing i can not bare. |
So i usually stick with injecting, my outer thighs right and left, also my right and left delts. But i never have inject my glute.
Today i did my first glute injection and it was not as hard as i thought it would be. The best thing i can say is to use a mirror. I always stick with 1.5 needles to inject bigger areas, and glutes will be the only area i use this needle, i usually will stick with 1.0 on any other injection for my body. Another thing is that the soreness in my glute is worse then any other part of my body, but no tren caugh and side effects are not bad. I decided at the end of each week. I will post a small list and give my input on how they effect my cycle. The list Soreness Injections Gain in strentgh. Gain in weight Weight loss BF Side effects. |
Ratings Between 1 and 10. 1 Means very little 10 Means alot.
Soreness - After each workout and the next few days 4. Injections - 1 In and out, very little pip. Gain in strentgh. 5, being that in about 11 days in. Tren power is the best. Gain in weight. Leaning out Nicely 2 weeks in and i lost 8lbs. Weight loss 8lbs BF Will check body gat 5 weeks in. Side effects. Sleep loss, loss of appetite, lots so sweting. So fat this cycle is going as planned. For those messaging me about the products i am using, i listed them in the first post. I got my products from GBN, and i am using KALPA, clen and T3. I am using Genshi, Test and Tren. Genshi PCT aswell. My workouts are 45 minutes. I do cardio on my off days for 30minutes walking at a high pace. My meals i eat exactly on time, i do not miss a workout or a meal and i am in bed early. I feel good, i will see how i feel in the next week where i usually get the sides from tren. Will also be posting pics of my gear. |
At the end of week 2. It is a rest day today is saturday and i do not work out. My diet is going as planned. I just wanted to write a quick update and note that the lack of sleep and swetting is probley at about a 6 out of 10 rating. It is pretty bad, but i can deal with it, the results are worth it, i have to give big props to GBN and Genshi because it is very well dosed product and is going exactly what it is suppose to. Also big props to Kalpa the clen and t3 are working wonders for speeding up fat loss while on a diet the results can not compare to any other diet product.
Soreness - Very little soreness, Rate it a 2 if that. I no i worked out but, but nothing to complain about.
Injections - No more pip. 0 Gain in strentgh. 8 Im making gains this week very easily. Gain in weight. Leaning out alot. No weight gain but stayed at the same this week, but looking alot more vascular and bigger then before. Weight loss 8lbs BF Will check body fat 5 weeks in. Side effects. Sleep loss, loss of appetite, lots so sweting. Its the same as it was the first week in. Nothing worse nothing less. This cycle is going great. My body feels really good. My bench went up from 250lbs to 280lbs and im only on week 2, but i will play it safe so i do not get injured. Im curling 200lbs with a bar. Squats have gone from 260lbs to 300lbs. Deadlift Started at 500, and now deadlifting almost 600lbs. |
So far everything is going great.
I noticed with this cycle. My arms are getting really strong, i do not no if its from when i was younger and not knowing how to work out properly i would work just my arms and chest. And then when i got older i would do full body workouts every single day. But my arms have always been my strong point, and now are seriously stronger then ever. I hit Chest and Biceps today. And i have to say i am alot stronger, this is going on about 3 weeks in now, and i am having a wonderful power cycle. I am cutting, but i have to give alot of credit to the Tren, it builds you up even on lower calorie diets. Plus im running clen/t3 and its not eating muscle at all. Not that i have notice, but i just look and feel overall alot better. Side effects. I have had periods of the day over the weekend where i felt hot. Most of the time, it is just alot of sweting and tiredness. No other side effect problems at all. I figured i would maybe lose some hair or get acne. But nothing at all. My diet has been on key, i will update the weight loss at the end of each week, no real point on doing it daily. But im staying at the same weight sense that first week of fat loss, but at the same time i look way more vascular and look like i lost alot of fat. |
Heading towards the end of week 3 and i am down 13lbs of Body Fat. I just wanted to post this update. The fat loss is coming due to the Kalpa Clenbuterol and T3. T3 i will continue but the clen i have to come off the following week, but i plan to continue running it towards the end of the cycle aswell.
My diet is on check i eat the same everyday. Week 5 i will lower the cals a bit to continue this cut. |
Sounds like a brilliant cycle. 13lbs of fat? Wow. That's amazing progress mate.
Thanks vinny. It is going really well, the combo of the T3 and Tren is one of my favorites now.
Soreness - No soreness after the first week its been nothing at all to even mention.
Injections - No pip. But i injected the last 2 times, i could smell it, as if i had it in my nose, strange feeling, maybe due to slowly pulling the pin out. Gain in strentgh. 5Im Gains have pretty much been the same, but week 6 i will train with heavier weights, i have not yet due to the first weeks drastic gains, i do not want to hurt my tendons, or have muscles tears. Gain in weight. Still leaning out, but not gains, i feel like if i lost more fat, but gained more muscle. I will have to get my body fat checked to no exactly. Weight loss sitting at 15lbs in total of fat/water. Side effects, they have deminished alot, everything but the swets are bad, but other then that nothing else. I guess i could mention the vivid crazy dreams but that dont bother me lol, its actually nice to have them crazy dreams, entertaining if ya ask me. I will post a story about the one i had last night. curling 200lbs with a bar. Squats 300lbs. Deadlifts are at 600lbs. |
Also in the GBN sponsor section i posted pics of the gear im using, parts of it. Check it out.
So i hit my back today. Dame what a workout. I think today i could of went up with gains on my deadlift, next friday i will see how much more i can take. But today after hitting my traps, the were swollen, got a huge pump in them and they are bigger then they have ever been. I got a extra 2 sets in for them.
i am thinking about maybe upping the dose of the tren and test but i dont no if i should sense everythings been fine. Any thoughts? |
Yea i just want the gains to keep coming. I think i will no this coming week, i been watching myself go up in weights because i do not want to tear anything and get hurt, but this week i will test myself.
I got pics to show everyone the good cut results. That are happening only about 4 weeks in. |
So today, for breakfast i was feeling real hungry. So i had a large Steak, along with 12 egg whites and 4 yolks. Dame did it hit the spot, i call that my cheat meal, not so much a cheat but somthing that is real satisfying. The mix of egg yolk and steak is amazing. The whites just fill you up. So high protein, low carb, low fat.
Hitting the gym in a few minutes and will update you on the gains i make today. Going to test my power today, see what kind of gains i made. |
good luck bro how much u weighting in now?
Have not weighed in bro. But im down to a 34 waiste line from a 38. Want to get down to 28 and stay there. Ill be tight there. that will be perfect for me. I will get the scale ready for monday morning. So everyone can check it out. I dont work out on the weekends. But ill update this comes monday.
alright nice bro hope its coming along well for you keep us posted
So today. I feel kind of shitty and dont want to eat as much. Im not sick but i just feel run down. So today for Breakfast, lunch Dinner. Its going to be Chicken, eggs and a half cup brown rice and veggies all mixed together. I think i might start making my food each weekend and get it done for the week in adavanced.
Stats to start off the week. Body weight. 235lbs Started at 260lbs. Probley around 14% body fat. Want to get down to 220lbs 10 11& bf. My wrist have been bothering me, picking a pair of wrist straps up tonight to help me. I just do not want to injure myself. Curling - 150lbs. Deadlifting - 700lbs Leg Press - 1400lbs Bench - 250lbs My numbers are up and down do to wrist problems, the more stress on my wrist the less im able to do the exerise. May be taking a week off if the problem continues. |
did you take the weekend off? maybe your getting a bit burnt out so to speak? well your lifts are crazy bro very strong :) and with the food cook up like 3-5 days worth of chicken or whatever you eat can do the same with rice just have to keep an eye on it went bad on me once or twice :/ and great work with the fat loss thats alot of weight you moved.
Thanks Barman. Yes i take the weekends off, and just rest up. Eat and Train during the week, then rest and relax on the weekends.
The weight loss is great, it could be that i lost to much to fast. But thats ok i needed to get it off me. The cycle is going great. Hope to continue this success. |
Body feeling run down. So today i did 2 sessions of cardio 250 calories each session, this was just to keep my body going.
Breakfast. 10 Egg whites, and 1/2 cup of uncooked oats. Snack - Protein Shake. Lunch - Large Steak, with 2 eggs and Vegies. 1/2 cup brown rice. Snack - 1 cup of Almonds, Apple with peanut butter. Dinner - 6 ounces of chicken, 1 Cup string beans, Half a sweet Potato. Now im just relaxing, and just trying to get my energy back up. Ihis weekend should do me good. Going to do cardio first thing in the morning, then rest for the rest of the weekend. Watch some football. Plan on grilling alot of chicken, and steak up. Going to make all my meals on sunday night, so that this week i do not have to worry about cooking. 4 medium size containers 2 with steak 2 with chicken. 2 protein shakes. Fruits and vegetable will be added daily. Will try to take some photos of all the meals. |
nice bro gota chill now and then :) i am 2day :)
I like the nice relaxing cheat days, and repair days. Weekends are for that. I get so paranoid im going to over do the cheating, but if that happens always fix it the following day.
So i hit cardio and abs today. Got alot of my energy back.
Side effects have got worse with the Tren. It is not kicking my ass that bad, but dame if i didnt have the energy i do right now, or if i was not feeling good, this would probley make me go crazy. The night swets have got alot worse, i am soaking the bed by morning, i have to wash my sheets daily, i sleep with no covers and a fan on full blast blowing on me and it does no good. I even went ahead orderd a new bed, took the old one and put it in my basement, where its usually cool and i sleep down there but it does not do the trick either. The next part of it that sucks is, my body is strong and ready to go, my head is what feels run down and tired, its strange and my appetite is completlyl gone. With my appetite gone, it makes it very easy to follow the diet, but i hate eating so i just get the meals swallow em down as fast as i can and thats it. I wait untill the next meal, i feel like i live in my own world and no one else exist. I only been leaving my house to work out and get food at the beggining of the week. No depression No sex problems No zits/acne/hairloss. 25LBS of fat lost. |
So today i hit my Delts and Tris
Military Press: 1x12 185lbs, 3x8 225lbs Seated DB Press: 3x6 DB Lat Raise/Front Raise Supersets: 2x10/10 Skullcrushers: 1x12 for 80lbs, 3x8 for 115lbs Rope Pressdowns: 3x8 Straight Bar Pulldowns: 2x12 Added in dips to my Triceps. 4x8. They were burnt out after this. This was done with bodyweight did not add any on. |
Just some pics. I have to give a big thanks to gbn, great gear and it is def working. All the hard work and diet is paying off. I will post pics of my abs before and after, they are my favorite photos because i had no abs showing, but now they show. So i will upload them this week.
Here are some arms and back, newest results to the right. http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d1...ps31985c97.png http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d1...ps7cac5fab.png |
Cery nice bro well done :)
So today i only got in about 5 meals.
Meal 1 - 1 cup oatmeal. 6 egg whites. Meal 2 - 1/2 cup brown rice, 5 ounces chicken, Veggies. Meal 3 - Protein Shake and 2 Rice Cakes With Peanut Butter spread. Meal 4 - 1/2 Sweet Potato, 5 Ounce Steak, Veggies. Meal 5 - 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 8 Ounce Haddock and Veggies. I cant even think about eating right now. My appetite is most likely gone do to the Trenbolone, it is starting to really push the sides on me now, in the beggining not so bad, but this stuff is potent and doing its job. Cant complain to much, love the results but they are very aggrivating, when you cant sleep at all, and then when you do fall asleep you have some fucked up night mare, wake up and your bed is soaked. Hit Chest and Biceps today, but im so tired today that i cant even stand to sit here and type it all out. but my my weights were up from previous post, i had plenty of energy while in the gym, but when i leave i dont want to do nothing and just want to sit alone and not talk, watch tv i cant even watch tv i zone out. More updates tomorow. |
Started Thursday off strong. My body is starting to feel like normal again. Still got the gear flowing, just my body is starting to handle it alot better then in the beggining of the cycle. Was having crazy night swets. bad dreams and just felt like i couldnt deal with anyone. But that subsided and is gone. Feel like my happy normal self, just strong as hell and making gains.
Meal 1 - 1 cup oatmeal. 6 egg whites. Meal 2 - 1/2 cup brown rice, 5 ounces chicken, Veggies. Meal 3 - Protein Shake and 2 Rice Cakes With Peanut Butter spread. Meal 4 - 1/2 Sweet Potato, 5 Ounce Steak, Veggies. Meal 5 - 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 8 Ounce Haddock and Veggies. Meal 6 - 5 Ounce chicken, Veggies. Workout hit delts and traps. Thursday - Delts/Triceps Military Press: 1x12, 3x8 Seated DB Press: 3x6 100lbs DB Lat Raise/Front Raise Supersets: 2x10/10 NONE THIS WEEK Skullcrushers: 3x8 200lbs Rope Pressdowns: 3x8 190lbs Straight Bar Pulldowns: 2x12 200lbs No side effects to note on. Any problems i had seem to of subsided and am i having no problems at all. Feeling really good. No soreness after injections, and no more smelling tren when injecting that is completly gone now. |
So today the diet went great got all my meals in. Days line up looked like this, dont remember the times of the meals but they were around 2 1/2 to 3hrs apart. I was up at 4am did 25 minutes of walking to warm up then hit the weights early. But first this is the meal plan today.
Meal 1 - 1/2 cup oatmeal. 10 egg whites. Meal 2 - 1/2 white potato 5 ounces chicken. Meal 3 - Protein Shake and 2 Rice Cakes With Peanut Butter spread. Meal 4 - 1/2 Potato, 7 Ounce Steak Meal 5 - 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 10 Ounces of haddock and 4 large shrimp Meal 6 - Large Green Salad, 5 Ounce chicken, 4 shrimp. Eating today was no problem. Wanted to eat more, so i think my body is looking to grow, so Sunday i will revide the meal plan add in more veggies, and maybe chance from 1/2 cup or potato, carbs to 1 full cup or whole potato, carb each meal. Friday - Back/Traps Deadlifts: 1x10 450lbs, 1x8 for 500lbs, 3x6 650lbs, last week did 700 but i couldnt push it to that this week. Maybe next week. Barbbell Row: 1x10, 1x8, 1x6 Low Cable Row: 2x8 Wide Grip Pulldowns: 2x10 DB Shrugs: 1x12 80lbs, 1x10 120lbs, 3x8 150lbs Starting to plan out my next cycle. Bulk cycle. After this cycle is over soon, i will be going natural for about 8 weeks and then jump back in. After the bulk i will cut natural for about 16 weeks or 4 to 5 months. I am very happy with what i am acheiving. GBN, the gear, help from everyone following me on here and helping me out. I really appreciate everything. |
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