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Kingforaday 04-27-2015 09:42 PM

My first cycle
Okay all, here is what I plan to get!

Testoxyl Enanthate 250 X 2
2ml Syringe with Needle X 20
Nolvaxyl X 3
Bacteriostatic Water X 2
HUCOG INJ 10000iu HCG X 1
Arimixyl - X 1

(Below has already shipped)
Stanoxyl 50 X 2
Clomid X 2

This is what I was planning on running.
Weeks 1 - 6
Testosterone Enanthate at 500mg, 1 shot per week
Nolvaxyl (if needed)
Arimixyl at .5mg, every other day (If needed)

Weeks 7-10
Testosterone Enanthate at 500mg, 1 shot per week
Nolvaxyl (if needed)
Arimixyl at .5mg, every other day (if needed)
Stanoxyl at 50mg, every day
Liv-52 at 4 capsules, every day

Weeks 10 - 12
Stanoxyl at 50mg, every day
Liv-52 at 4 capsules, every day
Nolvaxyl (if needed)
Arimixyl at .5mg, every day (if needed)

Weeks 12 - 13.5
HCG at 500iu, every other day for 10 days

Weeks 13.5 - 15.5
Day 1 – Clomid at 150mg
Day 2 - Clomid at 100mg
Day 3 - 30 – Clomid at 50mg each day
Day 1 - 45 - Nolvaxyl at 20mg each day


Add about 10lbs of lean mass and get cut up.

Other info:
Getting my body fat down to about 12% before starting this.
Currently 5'10, 180lbs @ 17% or so.
29 years old and train 5 days a week.
Diet is in my questions section.

Questions I have:
1) Does this look like a decent plan?
2) How do I incorporate Arimixyl into my PCT?
3) Is the two week off test a good idea before my PCT?
4) How should I alter my diet and macros while on this?

Any additional feedback is welcome. I am here to learn.

Armstrong 04-27-2015 09:53 PM

I would run somthin softer then adex unless you really need it in there, also split your injects to 250mg 2x week it will keep your levels more even throughout the week, for your PCT I would use HCG and start it 10 days after your last inject of test, as for the adex in PCT again only use it if your really need it, if your concerned about holding water then I would use nolva and tighten up your diet, have the adex on hand just incase you run into gyno problems, letro would be a good choice to have on hand as well it will really hit the gyno hard if you have it.

Cornish_Celt 04-28-2015 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Armstrong (Post 39956)
I would run somthin softer then adex unless you really need it in there, also split your injects to 250mg 2x week it will keep your levels more even throughout the week, for your PCT I would use HCG and start it 10 days after your last inject of test, as for the adex in PCT again only use it if your really need it, if your concerned about holding water then I would use nolva and tighten up your diet, have the adex on hand just incase you run into gyno problems, letro would be a good choice to have on hand as well it will really hit the gyno hard if you have it.

One shot per week is fine.

The body does not maintain stable blood levels, there is no way of keeping blood levels stable as the minute you inject the levels will start to decrease then when you inject again they will jump up so I cannot see how that is stable?

"Stable blood levels" is an internet myth that many pass on just because they heard it some where else....

Armstrong 04-28-2015 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by Cornish_Celt (Post 39958)
One shot per week is fine.

The body does not maintain stable blood levels, there is no way of keeping blood levels stable as the minute you inject the levels will start to decrease then when you inject again they will jump up so I cannot see how that is stable?

"Stable blood levels" is an internet myth that many pass on just because they heard it some where else....

very debatable imo, but you can see on my script in the pics of my gear, it says inject 2 mls ONCE weekly;), my bad been gone for awhile...... but......personally when I run my high doses like up to a gram or more a week, I will always split that into at least 2 shots a week, thats how I always done it and it always gave me GREAT results, I wouldnt want to slam a gram and a half of test E all in one shot, in one day, for the week, but thats just me :)

I known what your saying, when I say "stable levels" I mean dont let your test levels go down bellow the "normal" level, so when you give it another "inject/boost" it will keep it above that "line", does that makes any sense haha, wish I had a chalk board it would be so much easier to explain lol

Kingforaday 04-28-2015 09:39 AM

For the HCG, we looking at 500iu each day for 10 days? I think 10,000iu may be a bit much.could be wrong though.

stillgoingstron 04-28-2015 10:54 AM

Don't know if you've used clomid before, but it's horrible stuff. I use nolva personally, but if you've tried clomid and you're ok with it, then no problem. Obviously.

Kingforaday 04-28-2015 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by stillgoingstron (Post 39961)

Don't know if you've used clomid before, but it's horrible stuff. I use nolva personally, but if you've tried clomid and you're ok with it, then no problem. Obviously.

Never used it before, but it's already on the way. So I will give it a try. If it's no good, it will be changed out if I do another cycle.

Kingforaday 04-28-2015 02:30 PM

Made some big edits in the original post. Let me know what you all think!

stillgoingstron 04-28-2015 06:50 PM

Looks OK for a first cycle. That's not really a lot of test and by the time you take in account the wastage every time you pin and impossibility of trying to squeeze that last drop out of each vial it's more likely to be 450mg EW.

I honestly think adding in HCG post cycle is complicating things. It's highly unlikely you will suffer much, if any testicuar atrophy with this cycle. If you do it might be better to use the HCG during your cycle to stop this happening or to restore function.

I use aromasin in my post cycle along with nolva, but if you don't get the blurred vision and the mood swings from the clomid you could just use that and if you do use the nolva instead.

Enjoy the cycle and keep your diet strict and you might gain and keep most of those 10lbs - for a while anyway :D

Kingforaday 04-28-2015 07:34 PM

The logic I am using here is the following;
I want to keep as much as I can as far as gains
I am looking to be prepared for the worst as its my first cycle
- for example I may not need to use the HCG post cycle, but it's better to have than not.
I am in no rush to start, I can wait to learn more.

stillgoingstron 04-28-2015 08:12 PM

And that logic is spot on.

I agree with CC about pinning just once a week. I've never noticed any difference whether I pin test e once or twice and if its kalpa you shouldn't get any pip at all. Having said that why not pin twice if you prefer.

Good luck. I'm sure it will all go well. You seem to have thought it through properly. Though l think 10lbs is the top end, especially if you intend cutting as well.

toon22 04-28-2015 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Kingforaday (Post 39965)
The logic I am using here is the following;
I want to keep as much as I can as far as gains
I am looking to be prepared for the worst as its my first cycle
- for example I may not need to use the HCG post cycle, but it's better to have than not.
I am in no rush to start, I can wait to learn more.

That's the right attitude

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