Originally Posted by Cornish_Celt
One shot per week is fine.
The body does not maintain stable blood levels, there is no way of keeping blood levels stable as the minute you inject the levels will start to decrease then when you inject again they will jump up so I cannot see how that is stable?
"Stable blood levels" is an internet myth that many pass on just because they heard it some where else....
very debatable imo, but you can see on my script in the pics of my gear, it says inject 2 mls ONCE weekly

, my bad been gone for awhile...... but......personally when I run my high doses like up to a gram or more a week, I will always split that into at least 2 shots a week, thats how I always done it and it always gave me GREAT results, I wouldnt want to slam a gram and a half of test E all in one shot, in one day, for the week, but thats just me
I known what your saying, when I say "stable levels" I mean dont let your test levels go down bellow the "normal" level, so when you give it another "inject/boost" it will keep it above that "line", does that makes any sense haha, wish I had a chalk board it would be so much easier to explain lol